Tag Archives: #thecompoundeffect

Have It Your Way

Remember that slogan from 30 years ago? No, I’m not suggesting that you go to Burger King. That would be a ridiculous recommendation.


But it’s relevant with today’s advice. So hang with me for a minute.

In today’s fast-paced society, eating in restaurants has become a regular occurrence. Especially when you consider the potential of at least 3 meals a day, and the amount of hours most people work. The odds that you will eat out at least a few times a week are very high.

Which can become a BIG problem. One that slowly compounds over time if you’re not careful. The statistics don’t lie.

I often find it astonishing to see the food choices that people make. Grown people… Adults…

Things like mac ‘n cheese (I thought that was for kids), nachos, fried mozzarella, quesadillas, bacon cheeseburger with fries, wings, a rack of ribs, and on and on. Not sure if it’s due to a lack of knowledge, laziness, or simply neglect. I try not to be judgmental, but it’s worrisome.

Add a couple drinks to the mix and you’re over 2,500 calories – for ONE MEAL. Not to mention the high amount of unhealthy, artery clogging saturated fat. What if this happens 3 times a week?

overweight man trying on clothing

You better loosen that belt, then rethink your strategy.

And the restaurants aren’t helping. I mean, if you look at the menu choices, you could make the argument that it’s not your fault. But unfortunately, I can’t accept that logic. Eating clean is YOUR responsibility. You’ve got to be more vigilant!

And that’s what we’re going to cover in this post.

If you are trying lose weight, you would be best served to completely avoid restaurants as much as possible. Whaaaat???


When you cook at home, you know exactly what you are including. And you can scale back (like on salt for example). Or you can substitute a healthier ingredient if desired (like olive oil instead of butter).

Full disclosure: I’m not a cook and realize that you may disagree with my logic. I’m just looking for ways to eat healthier.

I like when restaurants show the calorie count of each item. I don’t necessarily trust the amounts, but it’s a point of reference and better than no info at all. At the very least, it can help you make an informed decision about your food selection. Like what NOT to order.

Let’s look at some “common” examples. WARNING: These are real.


The recommended “average” daily calorie requirements for adults is 2,000 to 2,500. Actual amounts are based on your gender, age, and activity level. Daily sodium intake according to the FDA is no more than 2,300 milligrams (mg), which is equivalent to one teaspoon.

Here are some suggestions:

  1. Eat a little something before you go out – to dinner, to a party, or to a function where food will be served. Like a handful of nuts, an apple or other fruit, an avocado or some raw veggies. This way you won’t be ravenous when you arrive, which can lead to some bad food choices. And you’ll eat less because you’re not as hungry. Do this especially if you’re planning to have a cocktail or two.
  2. Definitely skip the appetizers. You will have enough food between your entrée and a salad. And you don’t need the extra calories and unhealthy fat (as most of these apps are fried or greasy).
  3. Say no to the bread. If you had a snack beforehand to tide you over, ask them to “not” bring it over. It will only tempt you, so make it easier on yourself by avoiding it.
  4. Get your salad dressing on the side, and use it “sparingly” to save on calories.
  5. Eat a little less than you normally would at home since the calories and sodium are higher. Save the rest for tomorrow. And you’ll save calories and money.
  6. Have it your way; healthy of course. Ask to have something special prepared. Most restaurants will do it if you ask. For example, ask for grilled chicken or fish without any heavy sauces or creams. With a side of steamed veggies. And a sweet or baked potato, or brown rice. Even if they charge you a little more (which they probably won’t), it’s well worth it. After all, we are talking about you and your health.
  7. When a dish comes with fries, ask for an “alternative”. Like salad, fresh fruit, a baked potato, steamed veggies…
  8. Avoid dessert. Except for special occasions. For the same reasons as skipping the apps.
  9. Strive for 95. Percent that is. Nobody’s perfect. And every situation is different. So try to make the best possible choice given the situation you’re in. And enjoy it!

What do ‘ya think, can you do it?

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If you know someone that can benefit from this content, I’d be eternally grateful if you would share this with them. And if you like what you see, you can SUBSCRIBE for automatic updates, LIKE US on Facebook, and spread the word about www.thin2win.net with your friends, family and social circles.

Apple A Day…

You know the saying. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.


And as Jim Rohn used to put it so eloquently.

“What if they’re right?”

Did you start one of the clean eating habits? I hope so.

Thinking about it is important because a little planning is needed. But this stuff requires you to take action. And not just once. You’ve gotta make it a habit! A conscious choice. Every day.

In this post, we’ll continue to reinforce our eating clean habit by adding another very simple step.

You guessed it! We’re going to start eating an apple a day.

The first thing you will need to do is go to your local farmer’s market or grocery store and buy 7 apples for the week. Pick the kind you like, or get a variety. And then start eating.

One apple, every day.

I have found that this one, simple habit goes a long way to keeping my stomach and digestion in great shape. And apples are good for you, so what’s not to like?

But what if you don’t like apples? You could:

  1. Try different types. There are over 20 varieties to choose from.
  2. Try something else like pears, quinces, or plums.
  3. Give apples another try. Our tastes change over time.
  4. No, sorry but candy apples are not on the list.

I get an extra bang for my health by slicing the apple and sprinkling cinnamon on it. Then grab a heaping tablespoon of peanut butter for protein and healthy fat. And look, you’ve just prepared a delicious snack. If you’re on the go, throw it in a zip lock bag for later.

If you use a sharp, non-serrated knife, the apple won’t turn brown.

I’m not going to tell you that you should buy organic. That’s a personal decision. I prefer non-organic red delicious, and just scrub the hell out of them with soap and water since you’re eating the skin where any pesticide residue may exist.


Here are a few interesting things I found out about apples.

  1. Apples are part of the rose family (Rosaceae). Who would’ve thought? Learn more at the Wikipedia.
  2. There were more references to Apple the technology company than the fruit.
  3. Apples provide a wealth of benefits to keep the doctor away. Check out this site.

And if you don’t have time to go to the store, HoneyCrisp.com makes house calls. Choose from a wide variety and get ‘em shipped right to your door. Just what the doctor ordered!

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

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Dream On!

I have a confession to share. I really struggled to find a topic for this last post of Month 3, on “Sleep”. Especially since there’s only so much to write about “it” before I run the risk of putting you to sleep. I almost settled on writing about dreams. Like, what do they mean? What can we learn from them? And where do nightmares come from?

My research led me to a ton of information. Unfortunately, it included a lot of “noise”. Like websites trying to sell their dream interpretation services and dream dictionaries. Along with a bunch of other stuff. I guess I should’ve expected this since dreams are such an abstract topic.

My prep led to a serious dose of writer’s block and had me scrambling. This forced me to make a decision.

I believe that we’ve thoroughly covered the topic on “Sleep” over the first four weeks of March. So here’s what I decided on. For this final week of Month 3, we are going to pivot. And instead of covering dreams, or something else sleep-related, we are moving on and I will introduce Habit #4, which is another vital step on your health & wellness journey.

But first, let’s recap what we’ve covered so far:

  • Habit #1 (January) – Water
  • Habit #2 (February) – Exercise
  • Habit #3 (March) – Sleep
  • In this 5th week of March, we will kick off Habit #4 – Eat Clean


So what exactly is eating clean? Here’s my interpretation.

Eating clean is eating foods in their natural state. Or as close to their natural state as possible. This includes fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, lean meat, eggs, nuts & seeds, and whole grains. Less additives like heavy sauces, high calorie creams or other fat-laden toppings.

For example: grilled chicken with steamed broccoli, a baked potato and a salad with olive oil & vinegar (or lemon juice). Looking at it from a more general “macronutrient” perspective, it’s lean protein, fibrous complex carbs, and healthy fats.

Eating clean means avoiding processed foods crap, and all the nasty preservatives that are synthetically infused into already unhealthy stuff, just to extend shelf life. Basically, if it comes in a package with ingredients you can’t pronounce or don’t know the meaning of, just say no and avoid it.

Notice that fast food, chips & dip, pound cake and other baked goods, mac ‘n cheese, cream of broccoli soup, sodas & teas, donuts, and stuff that comes out of vending machines didn’t make my list.

And sorry, but I can’t accept excuses about not having enough time or money to eat clean. Or that you lack the desire to eat clean because you don’t like asparagus or brussel sprouts. I didn’t say it was going to be easy. Clean eating takes more thought than flying on “auto-pilot” and making bad, unconscious and unhealthy choices. But don’t confuse this with being difficult. It’s not hard to eat clean.


You just need to plan in advance. Decide what you will eat tomorrow or for the next few days. Then go buy the ingredients, build in some prep time, and make it. Remember, it’s usually not wrapped in a ready to eat package. And it’s definitely not purchased through a drive-thru window. Learn to enjoy the process.

You can prep or “batch – cook” to save time. Like grilling extra chicken for the week, or slicing extra raw veggies and storing in zip lock bags to grab on the run for the next few days.


Eating clean may also include minor tweaks to your current eating habits. Like eating out less, cutting back on your sugar and sodium intake, and foods that contain white flour. It may include paying attention to other things that could be sabotaging your new initiative. Like late night snacking (my challenge), emotional eating patterns, or mindless binges where you polish off a bag of chips or a box of cookies in 10 minutes. And then wonder what the hell just happened.

Eating clean is a deliberate action on your part that’s crucial to your good health. It’s high quality fuel for your mind and body. You have a choice. You decide what you eat, and what you don’t. Eating clean may require more conscious effort and planning for you in the beginning. But over time, it becomes a discipline that evolves into a healthy lifestyle.


Eating clean is YOUR responsibility! It’s up to you. And it matters!

I hope this makes sense. Over the next month, we will unpack this in more detail. But in the meantime, what 3 things can you do over the next week:

  1. Remove all junk food. From your house, car, desk…
  2. Minimize your sugar intake (or eliminate it if possible).
  3. Go grilled, not fried.

Remember, we are building new habits here, but we are also eliminating the unhealthy ones too. There’s no quick fix. This will take some time which is why we are focusing on ONE new healthy habit per month. So pick something new and focus on daily improvements.

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If you know someone that can benefit from this content, I’d be eternally grateful if you would share this with them. And if you like what you see, you can SUBSCRIBE for automatic updates, LIKE US on Facebook, and spread the word about www.thin2win.net with your friends, family and social circles.

You Can’t Manage What You Can’t Measure

This month’s habit is exercise. And so far we’ve covered the 2 primary types of exercise – strength and cardio training. We’ve also discussed the impact that intensity can have on our exercise, regardless of whether it’s during a cardio or strength training session.

Measure_success2As you strive to reach your exercise goals, you will find that you have:

  • More energy.
  • Better focus.
  • Greater strength and stability.
  • Increased endurance during exercise and throughout your day.
  • The ability to manage stress better.
  • A lower resting heart rate.
  • Better quality sleep.

Building on our healthy exercise habit, this week I would like to explore the benefits of a valuable tool. Don’t worry, I am not trying to sell you a new gadget. This tool costs you nothing, yet can help you accomplish SO much. It will keep you motivated as you start seeing results with your exercise program. And hey, you may already be using it to some degree.

What is it? It’s called “tracking”. Tracking brings your choices, decisions, habits, and behaviors to your conscious awareness by allowing you to see what you are currently doing or not doing. But more importantly, it allows you to manage the things you want to start, stop, or continue doing by keeping track of them. It builds good habits and is something we discussed previously.

Here’s an example of how I’ve used tracking. For the past 15 years I have worn a heart-rate monitor during my workouts. I did this so I could measure and track my calorie burn. And that’s because calorie burn was an important metric that helped ensure that I was meeting or exceeding one of my weekly exercise goals.

I still track my calorie burn, but to a lesser degree because I’ve got a good handle on it. A couple of other things I track include my water intake and the number of times I workout each week.

TrackingBut here’s the main point I want to pass on. If you are serious about a goal (and why wouldn’t you be), you must track key behaviors that will help you achieve that goal. And if your goal is to lose 30 pounds by June 1st, then you should pick ONE important element to measure. And then start tracking it immediately!

Let’s look at some key behaviors that you can track based on a weight-loss goal.

  • Calorie intake.
  • Number of workouts.
  • Amount of calories burned from exercise.
  • The type of exercise performed (strength or cardio).
  • The number of miles that you walked or ran.
  • The maximum weight lifted (if your goal is to get stronger).

Some of these metrics can translate into weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual data; which can then become the daily and weekly next steps of a longer term goal.

But make it easy on yourself. Track one thing for the next month. After you build that habit, you can add a second key behavior to track. Just don’t fall into the trap of trying to track everything at once. It may seem exciting for the first week, but it will quickly become a monotonous chore that you’ll eventually despise, and then stop doing altogether. So make it a habit that’s simple and that you’ll want to maintain.


Tracking with your smartphone is a great way to start. For example, iPhone users have the built-in “Health” app. The dashboard feature makes it so easy to enter the information you intend to track. Visually, you can see your progress. And it’s all stored in one place. For Android users, check out the Google Fit or S Health apps. Or do a search in the Google Play store.

So what’s my tip for this week? Measure and track one key behavior that will help you accomplish your 2016 health & wellness goal. What’s your one key behavior to track?

For manual tracking, check out Darren Hardy’s weekly rhythm register. It’s a simple, straightforward way to keep yourself accountable. Download a free copy here.


And if calorie burn is the metric you wish to track, I highly recommend Polar heart rate monitors. You can find them here on Amazon. Unlike the Fitbit or other fitness trackers, Polar heart rate monitors are better for tracking calories burned (in my opinion).

Why? Because you are measuring calories burned during exercise only. Our bodies burn calories all day long. When you are walking, talking, eating, sitting… Even sleeping. And I’m not interested in tracking something that happens naturally and automatically. Especially when I’m in a resting state. I prefer to track something that I’m doing incrementally to positively impact my good health. And that’s exercise. So I track it!

What do you think? Will you give “tracking” a try? I sure hope so.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I’d love for you to let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Is the content valuable and helpful? Did anything resonate? Will you take action? What else would you like to see in future posts?

If you know someone that can benefit from this content, I’d be eternally grateful if you would share this with them. And if you like what you see, you can SUBSCRIBE for automatic updates, LIKE US on Facebook, and spread the word about www.thin2win.net with your friends, family and social circles.

Exercise For Longevity

Welcome to month 2 as we introduce our second healthy habit for 2016. In case you’re just joining us, we are launching 6 healthy habits to help you get in shape in the new year. One new habit every month, from January to June. You can link back to the first habit here.

What, one habit per month??? Why are we taking it so slow? Here’s why. Habits can be difficult to develop, especially when life gets in the way. I want to make it as easy as possible for you to succeed. By giving you focus and time to reinforce each new habit.


For month 2 we will add exercise to your routine. It’s an essential part of your healthy lifestyle. In addition to making you look and feel great, exercise helps you become stronger and leaner. And I’d like you to consider these additional benefits:


  • burns fat and builds muscle.
  • reduces stress and improves your mood.
  • improves your heart and cardiovascular functions.
  • increases blood flow to your brain and improves cognition.
  • helps you lose weight.
  • done right will get you into fantastic shape.
  • helps to prevent nasty diseases like diabetes.
  • can prevent heart attacks, stroke and high blood pressure.
  • and the benefits of exercise don’t stop here.


The two primary forms of exercise that we will cover include strength and cardio training. This week’s focus will be on the strength part. Strength training (aka resistance training or weight lifting) becomes even more important as we age.

It’s a proven fact that our muscles and bones benefit from this type of exercise. But despite this fact, not enough people include strength training in their weekly exercise routine. Reasons vary but include limited knowledge of what to do, a lack of discipline, and a concern about becoming too bulked up with big muscles. Like this guy…


Ok, so I have to ask. Was this your first thought when I mentioned strength training? That you were afraid you would bulk up like Arnold? Be honest…

Take a deep breath. Relax. And don’t worry. You will never look like this. Even if you spent 3 hours a day in the gym, 6 days a week. So let’s just eliminate that concern right up front. Unless this is your goal and it includes the consumption of performance enhancing drugs. Otherwise, you can train hard with confidence.

If you’re new to exercise, body weight exercises like the ones covered in the You Can Do This post can become your initial workout for the first month as you acclimate your body to exercise. It’s best to take it slow in the beginning.

During the first month, you should not be concerned with intensity. Shift your focus to learning the exercises and practicing good form. After this, the routine will become your pre-workout warmup.

After the first month, your strength training routine should target the major muscle groups including your legs, chest, back, shoulders and arms. I strongly suggest that you hire a certified personal trainer (CPT) at your local gym.

CPT’s possess the skills to help people with different physical abilities and fitness levels by customizing the right exercises that enable you to achieve maximum results. In addition, the one-on-one interaction ensures that you’re learning the proper technique and doing the exercises in good form. Even if it’s only for a few sessions.

Tom Venuto, former bodybuilder and best selling author suggests using dumbbells when you’re just starting out. You can use them in the gym or at home. Dumbbells are easy to handle, they encourage equal development on each side of the body, and they’re safer. Especially if you’re training alone.


By the way, I highly recommend his book Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle if you want to get in shape, the natural way through exercise and good nutrition. Not only is Tom an expert in his field, he offers great insight and devotes a section to specific exercises in his 28 day plan. You’ll learn about the 10 biggest weight training myths, and how weight training helps you get leaner.

So let’s recap.

  • This month’s healthy habit is exercise.
  • This week’s homework involves starting a strength training plan.
  • If you are new to exercise, spend the first month getting your body acclimated by doing body-weight exercises. Click here for ideas.
  • After your first month of body-weight exercises, it’s time to start strength training with weights. Preferably with dumbbells, 2 to 3 days per week.
  • Refer to Tom Venuto’s 28 day plan (TNB-28) in Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle.
  • You should hire a certified personal trainer to match your physical abilities and fitness level with the right exercises.

Disclaimer: Whenever starting a new exercise plan or program, you should always consult a doctor.

And finally, here’s a brief list of resources:

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I’d love for you to let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Is the content valuable and helpful? Did anything resonate? Will you take action? What else would you like to see in future posts?

If you know someone that can benefit from this content, I’d be eternally grateful if you would share this with them. And if you like what you see, you can SUBSCRIBE for automatic updates, LIKE US on Facebook, and spread the word about www.thin2win.net with your friends, family and social circles.

What, You Don’t Like Water?

Are you drinking your recommended amount of water, EVERY DAY?? I am, and hope you are too. Remember, focus on one day at a time.


As we’ve discovered so far, water is essential to our health & wellness in so many ways. This week we will look at ways to incorporate water into your daily routine.

If you know me, you know that I have at least a bottle of water or 2 with me at all times. It’s one of the reasons that I am able to reach my daily water goal. You can’t drink it if you don’t have it. And if it’s not in your face, it’s easy to get caught up with whatever you’re doing and forget to drink. So make it easier on yourself by keeping it with you.

My favorite brand is SmartWater because I like the taste. You may think, it’s water. Doesn’t all water taste the same? Actually no, it doesn’t. But because I drink so much of it, I refill at home quite a bit.


So taste is obviously affected when I refill, which leads to the main reason I like SmartWater. It’s the shape of the bottle. The 1 liter bottle is slim, which makes it easy to carry and easy to track (3 or 4 and I’m good for the day). And it fits nicely in the cup holder in my car.

I’ve also learned to drink it when it’s warm. Not hot, just room temperature. This makes it a lot easier on you. Think about it. If you can only drink it when it’s ice cold, then you are making it tougher on yourself to keep it with you. So give it a shot and try to get used to drinking it at room temperature at times. Like when you’re on the go and can’t keep it refrigerated.

I’ve met some people that simply don’t like water. It’s hard to understand but I get it. So what can you do if this describes you? There are plenty of things you can do. But it may take some extra effort to prepare something that appeals a little more to your taste buds.


Try a squeeze of lemon, lime or orange. Or add some cucumber or fresh mint. How about fresh berries? But let’s try to avoid sugar substitutes and artificial sweeteners. I have seen others recommend adding Crystal Light. I’m not a fan but if you need something like this, I would suggest using a small portion of the packet. And see if you can wean yourself off over time.

Some prefer to add some fizz by carbonating their water. So if natural water tastes too bland or you’re looking for some variety, the carbon dioxide gas will make it bubbly and tangy. Think seltzer water; not club soda. Soda water (aka club soda) contains sodium.

I was unable to confirm the accurateness, but I’ve read some sources that claim you can count 50% of the volume from coffee and tea as long as you don’t add milk and sugar. If it helps in the beginning, then count it. But I would focus on drinking your recommended amount of water, and enjoy the coffee or tea for other reasons.

The bottom line is this. You need to drink a lot of water every day. And whatever helps you drink more of it, then I say go for it. If you need a little help with flavoring or bubbles, that’s fine. Drink up. Just be aware of added sugars, sodium or caffeine.

Caution_sports_drinkAnd beware of sport drinks. They’re marketed as healthy, but in many cases they’re not. Our bodies need water; not Propel, Vitamin Water or other sports beverages that are full of sugar. And unless you’re an elite athlete that needs to be concerned with fluid loss due to extreme training, you don’t have to worry about drinking Gatorade to replenish your electrolyte levels.

FYI, vitaminwater (owned by Coca Cola) contains 32 grams of added sugar in a 20oz bottle. That’s insane! I’m not suggesting it but even a Snapple Iced Tea contains less added sugar – wth?

Want some help keeping track of your water intake? Download a copy of Darren Hardy’s “Weekly Rhythm Register”. You can download it for free at http://thecompoundeffect.com/downloads/english-weekly_rhythm_register.pdf. As we add new habits, you will find this to be a valuable tool for “tracking” your new healthy habits.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I’d love for you to let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Is the content valuable and helpful? Did anything resonate? Will you take action? What else would you like to see in future posts?

If you know someone that can benefit from this content, I’d be eternally grateful if you would share this with them. And if you like what you see, you can SUBSCRIBE for automatic updates, LIKE US on Facebook, and spread the word about www.thin2win.net with your friends, family and social circles.

Why Is Water So Important?

Last week I introduced a new 6-month program. Designed to help you take control of your health & wellness. For the next 6 months I am going to teach you 6 healthy habits. One habit that you will focus on for the entire month and build on from the previous month(s).


The first habit is WATER. You should be drinking a lot of it.

Let’s face it, succeeding at most things in life really boils down to a few key things. And it’s the same for getting in shape and losing weight. It’s not one thing, like a magic pill or supplement. And it’s not 30 things. Added hype or outrageous claims should be a RED flag too.

We’re talking about fundamentals. Things you already know about. And discipline. Getting yourself to consistently do the things that will ultimately help you achieve your goals; even when you don’t want to.

In my opinion, it’s a simple change in the choices you make. This is not a restrictive diet or rigid exercise program. But you may need to “unlearn” some of the innocent yet destructive habits you’ve developed. And then “learn” some new lifestyle changes that will evolve over time into your new healthy habits.

Here’s what I intend to help you do:

  1. Make better choices to simplify your health & wellness initiative;
  2. Develop healthy habits and new disciplines that you can enjoy;
  3. Succeed at achieving your goal by staying focused and committed;
  4. Leverage the “compound effect” to your benefit;

How? By exposing 6 core fundamentals and helping you stick to them every day, until they become habits. Part of your daily routine. Something you seek out with enthusiasm, because the upside and results become so motivating.

For many, this health & wellness goal involves getting into shape and losing weight. Especially this time of year. But I don’t want it to fade into oblivion by February as it usually does for so many. Stick with it and make the first habit part of your routine every day. Drink “water” even when you’re not thirsty. It’s an easy task, but it takes work and you’ll need to remain vigilant.

This week I’d like to review the benefits of water and how it helps our bodies. Take a look at the chart below. It illustrates the percentage of water that your body is comprised of. As you can see, it’s based on your body fat percentage. I found it interesting to learn that the percentages are inversely proportional. A lower body fat percentage results in a higher percentage of water in your body. And visa versa.

Body_fat_water_%So this means as you get leaner and lose fat, you need to consume more water. Your body will typically compensate for this. But you can ensure it happens by staying hydrated throughout the day. Hence, the first habit – drink a lot of water… Link back to last week here.

Water is very important as it hydrates your organs and aids in removing waste and toxins from your system. Muscle contains about 75% water while body fat only contains about 10% water.

Check out this graphic.

What_does_water_do_for_youWater retention becomes a common topic when you’re trying to lose weight. First off, you should never stop drinking water to lose weight. Excessive water retention is normally the result of a poor diet and lack of adequate exercise. Dehydration is another cause of water retention. And salt has been known to contribute to dehydration.

You may want to re-read the last paragraph.

Here’s my suggestion. Take everything you’ve learned about getting in shape and losing weight, and hit the DELETE button. Then stay with me for 6 months, one new habit per month at a time. What do you have to lose? Not much except for the weight. And think about all you have to gain. New lifelong healthy habits among other things.

Oh, and if you want to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time, then you are in the wrong place. Bookmark this site and come back here when you’re ready to do it the right way, after that quick fix attempt fails you again.

This week we learned a little more about water. Why it’s important to your body and good health. Next week we’ll look at ways to make it part of your day. Until then, drink more water.


Thank you for sharing your time with me. I’d love for you to let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Is the content valuable and helpful? Did anything resonate? Will you take action? What else would you like to see in future posts?

If you know someone that can benefit from this content, I’d be eternally grateful if you would share this with them. And if you like what you see, you can SUBSCRIBE for automatic updates, LIKE US on Facebook, and spread the word about www.thin2win.net with your friends, family and social circles.

Simplify To Succeed

You are here because you want to take control of your health & wellness, right? No small feat, but very doable. And on the scale of importance, hopefully it’s a 10 for you.

Well, that’s what your enthusiasm would lead others to believe based on your New Year’s resolution and heightened motivation.


So help me understand something. I know it’s a new year but when you look back, what have your actions been saying? You know, the daily choices and decisions you make.

Is this going to be the year you stick to your commitment and accomplish your health & wellness goal? Shockingly, 92% of resolutions fail. This reinforces the fact that actions do speak louder than words. So what’s different this time? Only you can answer this.

I say it’s time to channel your initial excitement into a simplified plan. One that will keep you engaged longer. Small sacrifices that return HUGE dividends when you stay consistent.

By staying connected to your goals longer, your odds for success skyrocket. It’s the ever-present “compound effect”. And YOU are in complete control of whether it’s working for or against you.

Oh, I’m sorry. You say…

  • You’re too busy.
  • What, you’re going to start next month?
  • Oh, you’re not sure what to do?
  • Did you say you’re too tired?

Too bad! You need to lose your excuse.

“If you change your choices, you will change your life.” ~ John Dolan

I have an idea. You need something to help you break the inertia. Or the sabotaging habits that are weighing you down.

Some just need to start. Others have started but aren’t getting any results. And still others are in a starting and stopping pattern.

None of these scenarios are good, but the yo-yo can be the most frustrating. You start to see results, but derail yourself and throw it all away. After you rack up a few of these cycles, you’ll start to convince yourself that it’s just not possible for you.

Wrong answer! Just about anything is possible if you figure out exactly what you want and are willing to pay the price to get it.


But first, you have to SIMPLIFY to succeed.

This blog is about health & wellness. Specifically healthy aging & longevity. Aimed at helping you make better choices. Enabling you to develop healthy habits that get results.

Here’s the bottom line. If you eat clean and exercise with intensity, you will get lean. And you’ll probably live longer too. But that’s kind of vague.

So I want to clarify to help you understand. And simplify to make it easier for you to take action.

There are only a handful of things you need to do to improve your health & wellness.

And I realize there is way too much information in the media and cyberspace. This is not only overwhelming. It can be immobilizing.


In an attempt to combat this, I will dedicate the first post each month to one new habit. A habit you can practice every day for the entire month. We’ll do this for 6 months.

This approach will give you a laser focus on the basics, and contribute to your overall long-term success.

My goal is to make this as easy as possible for you to follow. But therein lies the big challenge. Because as Jim Rohn used to say, “What’s easy to do is easy not to do”.

So what’s the first habit? For the month of January, I want you to focus solely on drinking more water. Yea, that’s it. At least 2 to 3 liters per day for women. And at least 3 to 4 liters per day for men.

Sounds easy, right? Well it’s not unless you intentionally focus on it and make it a priority. Remember, that’s all you need to focus on (aside from your family, work, life, etc.).

I know, you’re probably thinking, that’s it? How’s that gonna help? Believe me, it is going to help more than you realize at the moment. No quick fix. No supplements. We will develop healthy habits that you will build on every month. Healthy habits that get results!

Are you with me on this? Think you can do it?

Let’s review: For the month of January, your entire focus is to drink the recommended amount of water, every day. That’s at least 2 to 3 liters for women, and at least 3 to 4 liters for men – per day. Pure water. Not sugar-flavored or the artificially sweetened kind.


To make this happen, you need to keep it with you at all or most times. Out of sight, out of mind is not going to help you accomplish your goal.

In addition to the positive benefits of drinking water and developing a new healthy habit, you will gain the satisfaction of accomplishing a daily goal. Not too shabby.

And hey, this may also help you stop drinking things like soda or sweet teas that are not contributing to your new healthy lifestyle.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I’d love for you to let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Is the content valuable and helpful? Did anything resonate? Will you take action? What else would you like to see in future posts?

If you know someone that can benefit from this content, I’d be eternally grateful if you would share this with them. And if you like what you see, you can SUBSCRIBE for automatic updates, LIKE US on Facebook, and spread the word about www.thin2win.net with your friends, family and social circles.

Do You Have This?


Ok, I’m getting off my soapbox from last week. This week I’d like to talk about an all too common and deadly disorder that was discovered in the past 20 years. It’s called metabolic syndrome.

I say common because it’s so widespread. The American Heart Association reports that 47 million Americans have it. And despite being so prevalent, it’s a condition that not many people know about. Even the experts debate about it because it consists of multiple risk factors.

But one thing is for sure. If you have any of the risk factors, you have a higher possibility of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease. And as your age increases, so does your risk.

So what exactly is metabolic syndrome?

According to WebMD, metabolic syndrome is not a disease; it’s a group of risk factors. These risk factors include the following:

  • High blood pressure (135/85 or greater)
  • High blood sugar (insulin resistance or glucose intolerance)
  • Unhealthy cholesterol levels (low HDL, high LDL, and high triglycerides)
  • Abdominal fat (waist size of 40″ + for men, and 35″ + for women)


Abdominal obesity and insulin resistance appear to be the dominant underlying risk factors. And most of the disorders associated with metabolic syndrome have no symptoms, although a large waste circumference is a visible sign. The primary cause has been linked to obesity and inactivity.

People with metabolic syndrome have an increased long-term risk for developing cardiovascular disease (including heart attack and stroke), type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, and poor blood supply to the legs.

What can you do to reverse or prevent the serious health risks associated with metabolic syndrome? It starts with aggressive lifestyle changes. You need to:

  • Eat healthy
  • Exercise
  • Lose weight
  • Stop smoking

These changes are all under your control. It comes down to how long you want to live and how healthy you want to be while you’re alive?


The ball is in your court so choose wisely by developing better habits.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I’d love for you to let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Is the content valuable and helpful? Did anything resonate? Will you take action? What else would you like to see in future posts?

If you know someone that can benefit from this content, I’d be eternally grateful if you would share this with them. And if you like what you see, you can SUBSCRIBE for automatic updates, LIKE US on Facebook, and spread the word about www.thin2win.net with your friends, family and social circles.

A Year In The Making…

In_the_newsI am excited to report that it’s been 1 year since I launched this blog. The original concept churned around in my head for a few years until I mustered enough courage to put my thoughts and ideas out into cyberspace. Which is not easy for an introverted perfectionist. More on that at the end of this post.

My initial plan was to find a way to take a big bite out of the obesity epidemic. I was (and still am) motivated to help anyone that struggles with weight issues. I also try to expose all of the B.S. and bogus weight loss scams by writing about natural and effective ways to lose weight. And how to keep it off forever by learning how to make better choices.

Specifically, the minor decisions we make that sometimes result in unconscious auto-pilot choices as we busily plow through our daily routines. But also the lazy ones that seem insignificant in the moment, but compound over time. And how small tweaks can make a huge difference in paving the way to a healthier you. Like choices to eat cleaner, making exercise a part of your routine, and getting adequate sleep to rest and recharge.

When I launched Thin2Win, I didn’t know what to expect or where it would lead. So I concentrated on providing valuable content by writing about practical strategies that have worked for me. My posts are targeted toward people over 40 that are looking to improve their health & wellness. Especially anyone that struggles with their weight.

For the first 6 months I posted every other Tuesday. But then decided that once a week would be better. So now it’s every Tuesday and I expect this to continue over the next year.

I have tried to let this blog “take shape” over time. The theme that resonates most I believe is healthy habits that get results. My primary motivation is to promote a healthy lifestyle that leads to healthier aging, which I too aim for on a daily basis.


Let’s face it, maturity and experience has its benefits. But we would all prefer to be younger than older, right? With fewer aches and pains, a better memory, vitality, and a leaner, sexier body. We can’t turn back the clock but we can improve our physical capabilities. Small changes that will have a big impact on our later years.

My philosophy is simple. I can’t predict how long I will live or what may be in store for me in the future. But I can control what I do now to stay lean and strong so I can eliminate or delay the preventable diseases in my lifetime. Diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension that affect millions of people every year.

I believe that if I “intentionally” live a healthy lifestyle, then I am doing everything in my power to positively influence my health and longevity for when I reach chapters 80, 90 and 100. It’s the compound effect, day by day with massive long-term benefits along the way.

As I look back over the past year of posts, I’ve selected some of the core concepts about living a healthy lifestyle. It seems like it’s about weight loss, but I really believe that to be the natural byproduct of making the right (and sometimes difficult) choices now, so you can have a positive impact on your future. Delayed gratification at its best. And don’t you deserve the best? Here are some of the top posts:

A daily reminder to strive for progress, not perfection – John Dolan style.

This is the symbol for “imperfection”. It’s my daily reminder to strive for progress, not perfection. It’s something I still struggle with but I am making progress and hope it’s beginning to show in my work.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I’d love for you to let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Is the content valuable and helpful? Did anything resonate? Will you take action? What else would you like to see in future posts?

If you know someone that can benefit from this content, I’d be eternally grateful if you would share this with them. And if you like what you see, you can SUBSCRIBE for automatic updates, LIKE US on Facebook, and spread the word about www.thin2win.net with your friends, family and social circles.