Tag Archives: #thecompoundeffect

You Can’t Manage What You Can’t Measure

If you want to build a new habit, you need to reinforce it. I have found the best way to do this is with a simple technique called “tracking”. And this powerful technique is proven by the simple fact that you can’t manage what you can’t measure.


In today’s post, we’ll discuss how you can start leveraging this valuable tool. But more on this in a minute.

I also have an exercise tip from my friend and Certified Personal Trainer, Ron Bove in The Trainers Corner.

This month’s habit is exercise. And so far, we’ve covered the 2 primary types – strength and cardio training. We’ve also discussed the impact that exercise intensity can have on our results.

As you strive to reach your exercise goals, one day at a time

You’ll find that you have:

  • More energy.
  • Better focus.
  • Greater strength and stability.
  • A desire to move more.
  • Increased endurance during exercise and throughout your day.
  • The ability to manage stress better.
  • A lower resting heart rate.
  • Better quality sleep.
  • And a new outlook on life!

Building on our healthy exercise habit, this week I would like to explore the benefits of a valuable tool that I mentioned above. But don’t worry, I am not trying to sell you a new gadget.

This tool costs you nothing, yet will help you accomplish SO much. It will keep you motivated as you begin to see results in this 6 Pillars To Better Health & Vitality program.

And hey, you may already be using it to some degree.

What is it?

It’s called “tracking”.

Tracking brings your choices, decisions, habits, and behaviors to your conscious awareness by allowing you to see what you are currently doing, or not doing.

Equally as important, tracking helps you micro-manage the things you want to start, stop, or continue doing.

And this impacts your results – bigtime!

How freakin’ cool is that?


Here’s an example of how I’ve used tracking.

For the past 20 years, I have worn a heart-rate monitor during my workouts. I did this so I could measure and track my calorie burn. And that’s because calorie burn was an important metric that helped ensure that I was meeting or exceeding one of my goals.

I’m still tracking my calorie burn, but to a lesser degree because I’ve got a good handle on that metric. Other things I’m tracking at the moment include my daily water intake, sleep, and weekly exercise.

But here’s the main point I want to pass on.

If you are serious about a goal (and why wouldn’t you be), you should be tracking the key behaviors that will help you achieve that goal. And if your goal is to lose 30 pounds by July 1st, then pick ONE important element to measure. And start tracking it immediately!

Let’s look at some key behaviors that you can track based on a weight-loss goal.

  • Your daily steps.
  • Your daily calorie intake.
  • The number of times you exercise every week.
  • The number of calories burned during exercise.
  • The type of exercise performed (strength or cardio).
  • The number of miles you walked or ran.
  • The number of hours you sleep every night.
  • The number of times you say NO to dessert.

Some of these metrics can translate into data that will become the daily and weekly next steps of your longer-term goal.

This is key!

But make it easy on yourself.

Track one thing for the next month. After you build that habit, you can add a second key behavior to track. Which is exactly what we’re doing in this program.

Just don’t fall into the trap of tracking everything at once.

It may seem exciting for the first week. But it will quickly become a monotonous chore that you will eventually despise. And then stop doing altogether.

So make it a habit that’s simple. One that you will want to maintain.

And tracking with your smartphone is a great way to start.


For example, iPhone users have the built-in “Health” app. The dashboard feature makes it so easy to enter and view the information you want to start tracking.

Visually, you can see your progress. And it’s all stored in one place.

For Android users, check out the Google Fit or S Health apps. Or do a search in the Google Play store to research any new apps.

So what’s my tip for this week? Start tracking.

Measure and track one key behavior that will help you accomplish your annual health & wellness goal.

What’s the ONE key behavior you’ll start tracking?

For additional help, check out these 2 posts on tracking:

Along with these valuable resources from Darren Hardy:

And if you’re interested in tracking your exercise calorie burn, then I highly recommend you check out Polar heart rate monitors. Unlike the Fitbit or other fitness trackers, Polar heart rate monitors are better for tracking calories burned (in my opinion).


Because you’re measuring calories burned during exercise only. Our bodies burn calories all day long. When we are walking, talking, eating, sitting… Even sleeping.

And I’m not interested in tracking something that happens naturally and automatically. Especially when I’m in a resting state.

TrackingI prefer tracking something that I’m doing incrementally that is positively impacting my good health. And that’s exercise.

So I track it!

What do you think? Will you give “tracking” a try? I sure hope so.

Before we end this post, I want to introduce you to my friend Ron Bove. I’ve asked Ron to provide a brief piece this week on exercise.

The Trainers Corner:

by Ron Bove

Try This All-in-One Combination Exercise
A side-step squat with wood chop works your arms, torso, abs, back, legs, thighs and butt. Make sure you maintain proper form when doing this exercise. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a 3 to 4-pound medicine ball or dumbbell in your hands. Bend your arms up so that the ball is at eye level over your right shoulder. As you bring the ball down toward your left knee, step out with your left leg and bend it no further than 90 degrees, keeping your right leg straight. Return to the starting position. Do 10 to 12 reps on one side and then repeat on the other leg.

We’ve covered a lot today.

Next week we’ll wrap up our exercise habit with a topic that will keep you coming back for more. One more post on exercise, and a desire to dive into our 3rd Pillar next month.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

Click here to subscribe. You’ll receive an email with a link to each new post. And if you know someone that can benefit from this content, please share it with them.


Stop Being So Sweet

I hope you’re still thirsty for more information, and water.

Still thirsty for more water

In this final segment of our first healthy habit, we’ll look at the impact that “sweetness” is having on your weight-loss initiative, and overall health & wellness.

From processed table sugar to artificial sweeteners.

stop being so sweet

The point is not to pick on anyone with a sweet tooth or sugar addiction. But last week’s concept of adding a little flavor to your water so you can drink more inspired this post.

I’d also like to look at the “sugar-free” craze that’s been promoted and popularized for too many years. And the side effects of relying on anything sugar-free as a crutch in your nutrition plan.

Sugar-free beverages and processed food crap is SABOTAGING your weight-loss efforts.

This has created a serious problem that’s not limited to the diet soft drink you have with lunch. But also includes those colorful little packets like Splenda, Equal, NutraSweet, and Sweet ‘N Low (to name a few), that you add to other things you consume throughout the day.

But before we go any further, let’s start by understanding a little more about sugar, which is also referred to as “added” sugar.

The American Heart Association sets daily intake guidelines by the teaspoon and total calories.

They allow up to 6 teaspoons per day for women, or about 90 calories. And up to 9 teaspoons for men, or about 135 calories.

But you shouldn’t go for the max here. Less than the recommended amount or none is better. Here’s why

Say not to sugar

Consider this, a teaspoon or an equivalent sugar packet contains 4 grams and about 15 calories.

I know it doesn’t seem like much. But those 15 calories are truly “empty” calories with ZERO nutritional value.

And they add up quickly.

I want you to think about what this means when the nutrition label on that 20-ounce bottle of Pepsi you reach for indicates zero fat.

But if you read further, you’ll see 69 grams of sugar and 250 calories. This equates to 17 packets of sugar!

Are you freakin’ kidding me?

According to the American Heart Association, the average American consumes about 21 teaspoons per day from added sugars. Equivalent to about 330 calories.

That’s more than triple the recommended daily limit for women, and more than double the recommended for men.

And although naturally occurring sugars such as those found in fruit and some dairy products contribute to your overall sugar intake, according to dietary experts, they don’t qualify as “added” sugars.

But this doesn’t mean you should go overboard. A few servings every day is sufficient.

There are hidden dangers with added sugar. The most common is white table sugar. But added sugars also include, brown sugar, honey, high-fructose corn syrup, agave nectar, and dextrose.

The list goes on. And keep in mind that sugar is not only limited to desserts, candy or soda. It sneaks into some “not-so-obvious” places. Like cereals, salad dressings, so-called “healthy” sports bars and drinks, low-fat yogurt, and most cold cuts, just to name a few.

So it’s important to read your nutrition labels carefully. Or just stick to whole foods whenever possible.

Remember the vitaminwater example from last week? What you see is NOT always what you get. vitaminwater is marketed as healthy, but contains 8 packets of sugar in a 20-ounce bottle.

It’s supposed to be water! So why does it need 32 grams of sugar added to it?

I won’t even waste the time to find out if it contains any legitimate vitamins as the name claims. That’s doubtful and it doesn’t matter. You can’t even use in your car’s radiator or battery.

Okay, I’m done ranting for now.

Let’s move on to artificial sweeteners, also known as low-calorie sweeteners or sugar substitutes.

It’s obvious that artificial sweeteners are intended to add sweetness without the calories.

At first glance, these sugar substitutes appear to be a good thing. You’re not consuming all of that unhealthy sugar. And they’re supposed to help you lose weight by eliminating the extra calories.

Sounds harmless, right?

Well think again…

Although they provide taste to your food and beverages similar to table sugar, they are sometimes referred to as “intense” sweeteners because they are hundreds to thousands of times sweeter. And therein lies one of the problems.

Because artificial sweeteners are so “potent”, some studies have shown that you actually train your body to crave more sugar.

And with beverages like diet soda, you could be priming your brain to want to eat more because you’re not getting the same fullness of the sugar-sweetened version.

Fat cells act like sponges, looking to absorb more fat.

One study showed that diet soda drinkers had a 70% increase in waste circumference as compared to non-diet soda drinkers. Other studies have shown associations between artificially sweetened drinks and obesity.

Here’s a very common example: “I’ll have the bacon cheeseburger with fries please. Oh, and a large diet Coke, ‘cause I’m watching my calories.”

Sound familiar? Perhaps you’ve heard someone else order this before?

So let’s cut to the chase.

Added sugar has NO nutritional value. Our bodies don’t need it.

There’s plenty of data, both in favor of, and against the use of artificial sweeteners.

Want my suggestion?

Make a commitment to STOP using sugar altogether, as soon as possible. Real or artificial, it’s not helping you.

I realize that it may not be easy to quit cold turkey. And that you’re going to have to sacrifice a little. But your health is well worth the sacrifice, and you’ll be much better off not being so sweet.

Here are a few articles that may help you kick the habit:

Next week we introduce our 2nd pillar. I’ll give you a sneak preview – it’s about exercise.

But don’t sweat it just yet. We’re going to start slow.

If you haven’t exercised in a while, talk to your doctor first. Then you will have the opportunity to ease into this 2nd essential habit. And if you’re currently exercising, there’s plenty here for you too.

In the meantime, keep reinforcing your water habit by drinking more water.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

Click here to subscribe. You’ll receive an email with a link to each new post. And if you know someone that can benefit from this content, please share it with them.

What, You Don’t Like Water?

Are you drinking your recommended amount of water?

drink more water

EVERY day???

I am. I hope you are too. Remember to focus on one day at a time.

As we’ve discovered so far, water is essential to our health & wellness in so many ways. This week we will look at ways to incorporate water into our daily routine.

If you know me, you know that I have at least 1 or 2 bottles of water with me at all times. And a few in the car as backup. It’s one of the reasons that I am able to reach my daily water goal.

You can’t drink it if you don’t have it. And if it’s not in your face, it’s easy to get caught up with whatever you’re doing and forget to drink. So make it easier on yourself by keeping it with you.

My favorite brand is SmartWater because I like the taste. You may be thinking, “It’s just water. Doesn’t all water taste the same?”.

Actually no, it doesn’t.

But it’s a good thing that I also like the taste of my filtered tap water at home. Because I drink so much water, I refill quite a bit. Which helps to reduce the amount of trips to Costco, and recycling.

So taste is obviously affected when I refill, which leads to the main reason I like Smart Water. It’s the shape of the bottle.


The 1 liter bottle is slim, which makes it easy to carry and easy to track. And it fits nicely in the cup holder in my car.

I’ve also learned to drink it when it’s warm. Not hot, just room temperature. This makes it a lot easier on you.

Think about it. If you can only drink it when it’s ice cold, then you are making it tougher on yourself to keep it with you.

So give it a shot and get used to drinking it at room temperature at times. Like when you’re on the go and can’t keep it refrigerated.

I’ve met some people that simply don’t like water. It’s hard to understand, but I get it. So what can you do if this describes you?


But it may take some extra effort to prepare something that appeals a little more to your taste buds.

Try a squeeze of lemon, lime or orange in your water

Try a squeeze of lemon, lime or orange. Or add some cucumber or fresh mint. How about fresh berries?

Some people prefer to add some fizz by carbonating their water. So if natural water tastes too bland or you’re looking for some variety, the carbon dioxide gas will make it bubbly and tangy.

Think seltzer water; not club soda. Soda water (aka club soda) contains unnecessary sodium.

I was unable to confirm the accurateness, but I’ve read multiple sources that claim you can count 50% of the volume from coffee and tea as long as you don’t add milk and sugar.

If it helps in the beginning, then count it. But I would focus on drinking your recommended amount of water, and enjoy the coffee or tea for other reasons. And count it as a bonus.

The bottom line is this.

You need to drink a lot of water every day. And whatever helps you drink more of it, then I say go for it. If you need a little help with flavoring or bubbles, that’s fine. Drink up. Just be aware of added sugars, sodium or caffeine.

Beware of sports drinks

And beware of sports drinks. They’re marketed as healthy, but in many cases, they’re not. Our bodies need water; not Propel, Vitamin Water or other sports beverages that are full of sugar.

And unless you’re an elite athlete that needs to be concerned with fluid loss due to extreme training, you don’t have to worry about drinking Gatorade to replenish your electrolyte levels.

FYI, vitaminwater (owned by Coca Cola) contains 32 grams of added sugar in a 20-ounce bottle.

32 grams of added sugar – that’s insane!

I’m not suggesting this, but even a Snapple Iced Tea contains less added sugar. And vitaminwater is marketed as “healthy” – wth?

So the lesson here is: What you see is NOT always what you get.

Don’t judge a book by its cover… Or take what you see, hear and read at face value. Look closely and question everything. Including nutrition labels on food and beverages.

Want some help keeping track of your water intake?

There are plenty of smartphone apps.

Or, you can go analog and download a copy of Darren Hardy’s “Weekly Rhythm Register”.

Go to http://thecompoundeffect.com/downloads/english-weekly_rhythm_register.pdf and download it for free.

As we add new habits, you will find this to be a valuable tool for “tracking” your new healthy habits.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

Click here to subscribe. You’ll receive an email with a link to each new post. And if you know someone that can benefit from this content, please share it with them.

Why Is Water So Important?

Last week I introduced a new 6-month program. It’s designed to help you take control of your weight-loss initiative by making more informed choices and building better habits.

So you can get into the best shape of your life. And maintain your new healthy lifestyle for as long as you live!

For the next 6 months, I am going to teach you 6 core fundamentals that will have a tremendous impact and long-term benefit on your overall health and longevity.

Every month, we will focus on one new habit for the entire month.

As you consciously weave each new habit into your day, you will begin to integrate the new habit with each “learned habit” that you’ve developed up to that point.

This approach builds a sustainable set of disciplines. And since they’ve become part of YOUR daily routine, they will feel simple and natural. Why? Because they are…

Congratulations! You have created your own healthy lifestyle.

You will never worry about being overweight or out of shape again.

The first habit is WATER. And you should be drinking A LOT of it.

Ladies, that’s at least 2 to 3 liters. And guys, at least 3 to 4 liters.

Yes, every day. 7 days a week.

Let’s face it, succeeding at most things really boils down to a few key things. And it’s the same for getting in shape and losing weight.

It’s not one thing, like a magic pill or supplement. And it’s not 30 things with outrageous claims. This should be a RED flag.

We’re talking about fundamentals – things you already know about. And habits – doing a few things more consistently; even when you don’t want to.

So you can maximize your results and achieve big goals.

In my opinion, it’s a simple change in some of the choices we make.

This is not a restrictive diet or rigid exercise program. But you may need to “unlearn” some of the innocent yet destructive habits you’ve managed to develop over the years. And then “learn” some new ones that will evolve over time into your new healthy habits.

What’s the central theme to this program?

Building healthy, sustainable habits that get results!

Here’s what I intend to help you with:

  1. Making more informed choices.
  2. To build better habits.
  3. And develop into healthy disciplines.
  4. That simplify your health & wellness initiative.
  5. So you can succeed at achieving your goal with routines that keep you focused, committed, engaged and motivated.
  6. Routines, habits and disciplines that are sustainable. Even enjoyable. And promote a healthy lifestyle

How? By helping you reinforce the 6 core fundamentals, one at a time. Finding effective ways to practice them every day. Until they become habits. Part of your daily routine. Something you seek out with enthusiasm because the transformation and results become so motivating.

Essentially, you are learning to leverage the compound effect to YOUR benefit. (By the way, The Compound Effect is a must read if you haven’t yet, and a re-read if it’s been a while. I highly recommend it!)

For many, this health & wellness goal involves losing weight and getting into shape. Stick with this first habit and make it part of your routine every day. Drink “water” even when you’re not thirsty. Keep it with you at all (or most) times.

It’s an easy task, but it takes work and you’ll need to remain vigilant. I want this new routine to remain “sticky” and interesting. Unlike other programs you may have tried in the past. So it doesn’t fade into oblivion, or cause you to lose interest next month.

This week I’d like to review the benefits of water and how it helps our bodies. Take a look at the chart below. It illustrates the percentage of water that your body is comprised of. As you can see, it’s based on body fat percentage.

I found it interesting to learn that the percentages are inversely proportional. A lower body fat percentage results in a higher percentage of water in your body. And vise versa.

So this means as you get leaner and lose fat, you need to consume more water. Your body will typically compensate for this. But you can ensure it happens by staying hydrated throughout the day. Hence, the first habit – drink a lot of water… Link back to last week here.

Water is very important as it hydrates our organs and aids in removing waste and toxins from our system. Muscle contains about 75% water while body fat only contains about 10% water.

Check out this graphic.

Water retention becomes a common topic when you’re trying to lose weight. You should never stop drinking water to lose weight. Excessive water retention is normally the result of a poor diet and lack of adequate exercise. Dehydration is another cause of water retention. And salt has been known to contribute to dehydration.

You may want to re-read the last paragraph.

Here’s my suggestion.

Take everything you’ve learned about getting in shape and losing weight, and hit the DELETE button. Then stay with me for 6 months and integrate these new habits into your life.

I’m asking you to have a little Blind Faith in me.

What do you have to lose? Not much except for the weight. And maybe some bad habits.

And then think about all that you have to gain…

As we wrap up this week, you may be thinking, “But I have a lot of weight to lose, and I want to do it quickly. This program is going to take too long. Isn’t there a faster way to get this done?”

If that’s how you’re thinking, then you are in the wrong place. Bookmark this site and come back when you’re ready to do it the right way, after that quick fix attempt fails you again.

This week we learned a little more about water. Why it’s important to your body and your good health. Next week we’ll look at ways to make it part of your day. Until then


Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

Click here to subscribe. You’ll receive an email with a link to each new post. And if you know someone that can benefit from this content, please share it with them.

Simplify To Succeed

This blog is about healthy habits that get results!

healthy habits that get resultsI’m here to help you learn how to make more informed choices. Choices that build better habits. Sustainable habits that develop into healthy disciplines that get results.


I realize that’s a mouthful.

And it may sound complicated, or perhaps even intimidating.

Especially if you’ve tried and failed at getting into better shape in the past. Or have lost weight, only to gain it back again (and then some).

So you’re here because you want to take control of your health & wellness. That’s great!

My goal is to simplify the process to help you succeed at winning this battle. And when you do, you will have the knowledge and ability to maintain great health for as long as you live.

No more stressing about weight gain and bigger sizes. Instead, your focus will shift to pride in your accomplishment, and celebration of your new healthy & fit lifestyle.


You will have conquered the battle of the bulge, forever

According to PR Web, the “US weight-loss market” generates over $60 billion a year in revenue.

Over $60 billion a year? WHAT???

This would lead you to believe that a lot of people are being helped. And slimming down from this massive amount that’s being spent.

So then why are two-thirds of Americans over-weight or obese?

Doesn’t anyone else find it ironic that the majority of marketing messages and advertising campaigns are focused on fast food and diet plans? And prescriptions to fix all of your ailments.

quick fix supplements do not promote healthy habits

Quick fix at its finest!

But your need to look past the marketing hype, and not believe most of what you’re being fed. And instead, pay attention to the abysmal weight-loss results. And long list of “pharma” side effects.

So that you’re never “deceived” again.

Think about it… With all that’s being spent every year, why is this staggering statistic of over-weight Americans is still holding steady?

Here’s the short answer. There is too much information about diets and weight loss. It’s so confusing. Everywhere you turn, someone is trying to sell you their “all new” diet plan, that’s guaranteed to work.

So who do you believe?

Well first, I wouldn’t buy into any of these quick-fix weight-loss diet scams. You don’t need them!

So then what do you do?

You simplify. And fix it yourself. By getting back to basics.

simplify to succeed for healthy habits that get resultsHere’s my advice: There are only a few things you need to do to improve your health and lose weight. These “few things” are all natural. There’s nothing new, and there’s nothing to buy.

You just need to understand what they are and stay consistent with them. Then ignore everything else and give yourself a little time.

The goal is to develop a few new habits that you can enjoy and integrate into your lifestyle.

No pills, special diets, or restrictive programs.

Just a strong desire, that’s backed by effort and commitment.

Simple, right? Yep!

Welcome to The 6 Pillars To Better Health & Vitality.

Welcome to The 6 Pillars To Better Health & Vitality for healthy habits

For the next 6 months, you will learn one new habit every month.

This equates to 6 new habits if you’re doing the math.

That’s doable, right?

Six sustainable healthy habits that get results, and last for a lifetime!

One new habit you can practice every day for the entire month. This approach will give you a laser focus on the basics, and contribute to your overall long-term success (and healthy lifestyle).

I want to make this as easy as possible for you to follow. But therein lies the big challenge. Because as Jim Rohn used to say, “What’s easy to do is easy not to do”.

So what’s the first habit?

The first habit is WATER. As in drinking more of it.

I want you to focus solely on drinking more water.

Yea, that’s it. At least 2 to 3 liters per day for the ladies. And at least 3 to 4 liters per day for the gents.

Sounds easy, right? Well it’s not, unless you intentionally focus on it and make it a priority.

Remember, that’s all you need to focus on (aside from your family, work, life, etc.).

I know what you’re probably thinking..

“That’s it? I thought we were going to lose weight. How’s this gonna help?”

It’s going to help way more than you realize at the moment.

We will develop 6 new habits that you will build on every month. Healthy habits that get results!

Are you with me on this? Think you can do it? Great, I know you can!

Let’s review: For the first 4 weeks, your entire focus is to drink the recommended amount of water, every day. Pure water. Not sugar-flavored or artificially sweetened. Just pure water.

drinking more water for healthy habits

To make this happen, you must keep it with you at all or most times. And learn to drink it even when you’re not thirsty.

The phrase out of sight, out of mind sums it up best. So don’t do that.

In addition to the positive benefits of drinking water and developing a new healthy habit, you will gain the satisfaction and momentum of accomplishing a new daily goal. Sweet…

And this new habit will help you stop drinking things like soda or sweet teas that are sabotaging your new healthy lifestyle.

Bottoms up!

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

Click here to subscribe. You’ll receive an email with a link to each new post. And if you know someone that can benefit from this content, please share it with them.

Start Now!

Are you making any changes or improvements in the new year?

Or planning to accomplish some new goals?

I hope so!

But here’s an unfortunate scenario that occurs way too often.

Especially this time of year.

Let me know if this sounds familiar.

“I’m going to start… __________” (fill in the blank)

  • … eating better
  • … exercising
  • … going to bed earlier
  • … taking better care of myself

Sounds nice, although these declarations are way too VAGUE. But I’m not going to start nitpicking (yet). So let’s continue.

When? __________” (fill in the blank)

  • next month…
  • after the holidays…
  • in the new year…
  • after I get back from vacation…

You realize these are all LAME excuses that ALWAYS equate to NEVER.

And how about this one.

I’m going to stop smoking…

  • (Insert the same lame excuses from above)

And guess what’s not going to happen?

Right! The thing you said you were going to do.

So stop kidding yourself, and lying to others.

You’re not committed or ready to make a change yet.

I get it, we’ve all been there at some point. And have seen others make these false promises.

Need proof?

Just look back over the past 2 or 3 years. What have your actions been saying? (FYI – you have to look closely ‘cause you can’t hear them. Especially with all of the social media noise and distractions.)

Have you ever accomplished any of your “informally-made” resolutions? Or goals that you weren’t fully committed to?

Probably not.

And it’s that time of year again where the biggest and boldest false promises are about to be launched. Some will be well-meaning but will lack clarity or commitment. Others will be audibly initiated drunk New Year’s resolutions that never see the light of day.

Shockingly (well, actually NOT), 92% of resolutions fail. WTH?

It’s pretty obvious why.

Don’t waste another year of your precious life by setting yourself up for failure with useless New Year’s resolutions. Or weak goals that you’re not committed to.

Give your actions a chance to speak by doing yourself a huge favor.

Get it right this time by setting a few legitimate and relevant goals. Things you want and need to accomplish during the next 12 months.

It’s best to keep it simple and only start with a few. Especially if this is new for you.

In fact, I’d suggest that you only set one goal. A challenging, yet attainable short-term goal. Then when you achieve it, you can reward yourself by setting another one.

Let’s break it down into a few steps to make it simple.

  1. The “What” – Okay, what do you want to accomplish? Make it Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. With pen and paper; not in your head. For more on S-M-A-R-T goal setting, click here.
  2. The “Why” – This is where it gets exciting. Start listing all the reasons ‘why’ you want to accomplish this goal. The more reasons the better. Your WHY-power will kick in when your motivation fades (which it will), or when plateaus occur (which they will), and when your WILL-power is at its lowest point (which happens).
  3. The “How” – This is your plan for accomplishing your new goal. It includes the actions you will take as you chunk-down your goal into manageable steps. And don’t worry, you don’t have to figure it all out before you start. Just figure out the first couple of steps. Then you’ll adjust your plans along the way as you gain valuable insight from the obstacles and setbacks you begin to face. Otherwise, you could be doomed to the “paralysis by analysis” syndrome where nothing gets done.
  4. Take “Action” – Now do something by taking your first step in the direction of your goal. This is very important. Consider it your first ‘How’.
  5. Review your goal often. So it’s top of mind and to evaluate your progress. And as you’re reviewing, visualize the outcome as if you have already achieved it. This is very helpful and mysteriously powerful (but doesn’t work without taking action).
  6. You’re on your way to achieving this goal. When you do, set another one.

For example, if one of your goals is to improve your cardiovascular health so you’re able to live a longer and a more active & fulfilling life, here’s how you would start.

  • Identify “WHY” this is important to YOU. And what it would mean if you didn’t accomplish it. Sometimes it’s the consequences that motivate us more than the prize itself. So use whatever works best for you in the situation at hand.
  • Plan the 3 to 5 days of the week you will exercise based on your fitness level. Remember, for something like this, slow and steady always trumps an overly-aggressive plan that’s unsustainable.
  • Include the days you will focus on strength or cardio training (and what each workout will consist of).
  • Put those days in your calendar. You are committed, right? Would you miss this Wednesday’s client presentation, or meeting with your boss? Then put your mask on first by showing up for your appointment with yourself, and stop saying you’re too busy.
  • And since cardiovascular health is also influenced by our nutrition, you should identify the foods you will STOP eating, and the healthier ones you will START eating.
  • Then plan the next few meals and shop for the ingredients.

Now it’s time to do something by completing your first workout and making your first meal.

Pretty simple, right?

Enjoy the process and appreciate the obstacles and struggles you will face along the way.


Yep… There will be challenges and setbacks, but they’ll make it all worthwhile and allow you to accomplish bigger things in the future.

I hope you found value in this post.

As 2016 comes to a close, I would like to say thank you and wish you a HEALTHY, happy, and prosperous New Year!

Be on the lookout for The 6 Pillars To Better Health & Vitality. We start up next week and run through the end of June. You’re not gonna want to miss it. So subscribe for automatic updates.

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Don’t Wait!

Don’t WAIT until it’s too LATE!


Life is short. And moves pretty fast.

As we get older, we need to stay ahead of the curve(s).

Before they… sneak up on us.

Are you with me?

Just like the weeds will take over your garden if you ignore them. The same is true if you neglect your health & wellness for too long.

After the excess baggage shows up at your door in the form of a bigger gut, butt, or muffin top, life-threatening illness will eventually take hold. And will usually strike in the form of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, or early death.

And these are all preventable if you catch them early enough.

But I have an idea. It’s genius!

Make better choices now, so you don’t have to worry later.

It’s not only the battle of the bulge that you’re fighting.

It’s your life!!!

So what are you going to do about it?

I have itemized a few posts below to help you get ahead of the curve:

I hope you found value in this post.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I’d love for you to let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Is the content valuable and helpful? Did anything resonate? Will you take action? What else would you like to see in future posts? I welcome your feedback.

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Is There a Better Way?

Health and wellness is a way of life.

I also believe it’s a “state of mind”. By state of mind I mean that it needs to be part of our daily focus. Mainly because it’s involved in SO many decisions we make every day.

Think about it like a lens or a mental funnel. Where you run your thoughts, plans, choices, decisions, and disciplines through. As in your health & wellness “filter”.

funnelWhat’s your state of mind about your health & wellness?

And how can you improve it?

I mentioned last week that after 2 years of “blogging” about healthy habits, I am still committed to helping you, my loyal readers and supporters improve your health & wellness.

Yet I feel that something is missing as I have not had the growth or positive impact I expected, which is disappointing. My goal is to help you achieve significant results.

So I need to step it up and find a better way.

Over the next month, I plan to re-evaluate the direction of this blog for 2017 and beyond. This will include the subject matter and topics, along with my approach to delivering the content.

I created this blog to help anyone that struggled with weight issues. By promoting natural, do-it-yourself ‘DIY’ ways to lose weight and keep it off forever, through small changes in lifestyle.

Specifically, through better choices about nutrition and exercise.

I thought since I was able to maintain a healthy and fit body, then I should try to help others who struggled to find a way.

This started to shape my perspective about “longevity” and my desire to live to at least 100 years young, with great health, vitality and quality of life the entire time.

The concepts I focus on to incorporate in this blog look like this:

Healthy Habits That Promote Longevity, through…

  • Health & wellness
  • Personal development
  • Nutrition
  • Fitness
  • Weight loss
  • Results!!!

As my thoughts and writing have developed, I have begun speaking to the “over 50” crowd. Specifically, men and women ranging in age between their 50’s to 70’s, give or take a few years.


I’ve chosen “over 50” for a few reasons

First, I fall into this category, so I understand what it’s like and can speak from experience. Second, it’s at this age where many of us begin to realize we’re not going to live forever. Third, our mortality causes us to get serious about our health & wellness. And fourth, because this is the group I believe I can have the most impact with.

If this resonates with you, then I encourage you to follow me by subscribing for automatic updates, and to share this with your inner circle that may find value and benefit from the results.

I have learned and figured out many things that relate to health & wellness. Longevity is a primary area of interest that I continue to study. And I am grateful that my good habits still outweigh the bad ones. Hey, I’m a work in progress which keeps it interesting.

As we wrap up this week, I want to thank you for your continued support. And point out that your feedback, suggestions, and constructive criticism are always welcome.

I hope you found value in this post.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I’d love for you to let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Is the content valuable and helpful? Did anything resonate? Will you take action? What else would you like to see in future posts? I welcome your feedback.

What’s your Win to be Thin?

If you know someone that can benefit from this content, please share it with them. And if you like what you see, you can SUBSCRIBE for automatic updates, LIKE US on Facebook, and spread the word about www.thin2win.net with your friends, family and social circles.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.


In addition to liking turkey, Thanksgiving means time with family along with great food and wine. Hey, that sounds like most holidays. But unlike others, Thanksgiving has the added benefit of turning into a 4-day extended weekend. And I always look forward to that down-time every year.

Last year I told you to Lose It On Thanksgiving!

This year I’m going to take a slightly different approach. By suggesting a few ways you can enjoy yourself during the holidays, and still keep your health & wellness on track.

There are “little things” that each of us can do to contribute to our healthy habits. Little things that add up to a lot, over time. Isn’t it amazing how the Compound Effect is always at work!

Here’s my list for staying ahead of the curve and beating the battle of the bulge at Thanksgiving:

  1. Complete a workout early in the day. Or at least go for a power walk before the big meal.
  2. Skip the appetizers, or just go for a few healthy ones.
  3. Maintain portion control, throughout the day and for the long weekend. Ahh, just do it from now on.
  4. Take a power nap.
  5. Be thankful for all that you have by expressing gratitude toward everyone and for everything in your life.
  6. Leverage a few of your days off for some intense workouts, more time with family, long walks (steps), and some “me time”.
  7. Practice meditation with some of your “me time”.
  8. Laugh and have fun! Wine is not necessary but it helps.
  9. Think about your goals – evaluate where you stand with this year’s list, and what you plan to accomplish next year.
  10. Check out this article if you’re looking for ways to enjoy Thanksgiving with less calories – “9 Thanksgiving Food Swaps to Save Calories”.

What would you add to this list?

I’ve included a link about the benefits of turkey, along with a resource to help you avoid overeating. It’s called the human hunger scale. You can check it out by clicking here.


And finally, I would like to express a heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving to all! Thank you for following me this year. Your support, shares, likes, and comments are greatly appreciated!

I hope you found value in this post.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I’d love for you to let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Is the content valuable and helpful? Did anything resonate? Will you take action? What else would you like to see in future posts? I welcome your feedback.

What’s your Win to be Thin?

If you know someone that can benefit from this content, please share it with them. And if you like what you see, you can SUBSCRIBE for automatic updates, LIKE US on Facebook, and spread the word about www.thin2win.net with your friends, family and social circles.

(Gotta) Take Care of Yourself

‘Cause nobody else will…

Take care

Let’s face it… unless you’re elderly and infirm, disabled, or a young child, you shouldn’t depend on anyone else (including our government) to take care of YOU.

And despite the fact that we need each other to succeed, or that we should unite to help one another, it’s ultimately up to each of us to take 100% responsibility and take care of ourselves.

This year’s presidential election motivated a lot of people to vote, and that’s a good thing. It also brought out some very strong opinions and emotions on each side.

But the election is over. And whether your candidate won or lost, it’s time to move on and get back to taking care of business – the business of YOU.

Why not channel that same enthusiasm and drive that you had in supporting and rooting for your candidate during the election into your own personal development?

Take care

There are 2 valuable lessons we can learn about our personal development from the airline industry.

  1. Put your mask on first.
  2. Full throttle for takeoff.

Let’s take a quick look at each:

Put your mask on first:

The airline safety demonstration before takeoff teaches us this one. Although it’s clear in this context, it’s not so obvious as we lead our busy lives.

There are ticking time bombs that are developing as a result of NOT taking care of ourselves first. Preventable conditions that slowly compound over time into diseases like:

  1. Heart disease.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Stroke.
  5. Cancer.

In addition to the grief and disruption that occurs after losing someone whose life was cut short too early, there’s a staggering financial impact that is costing hundreds of billions annually. Actually trillions when you add it all up.

Check out these 2 articles:

Prevention is key.

And here’s the bottom line… if you don’t take care of yourself, how can you expect to take care of those who depend on you? Like your family and your company.

Take care

Full throttle for takeoff:

I shared this in a post last year. We can relate this philosophy to our exercise intensity. And sticking to our plans when results plateau.

It’s titled “Take Your Health & Wellness To New Heights”. And you can link to it by clicking here.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

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