Let’s start with the premise that you need to lose 30 pounds and that’s your primary objective (or substitute your number). So I’ll go out on a limb here to make a point. You’ve developed some bad eating habits. The extra 30 didn’t just happen overnight or by accident. It took time to put it on, so it’s gonna take time to take it off.
But I’m not here to beat you up. I’ll assume that you are serious about losing this weight and will do just about anything within reason to make this happen. So take complete responsibility for your situation. Then let’s learn from the past.
Specifically, how poor choices compounded over time and got you to where you are today. And finally, let’s learn to use the the compound effect to your advantage.
How? By making small, incremental positive changes in your nutrition, that in time, will transform into amazing results.
There are a number of factors that contribute to a healthy, lean, and physically fit person. And in this post we’ll cover one of these factors by helping you discover the foods you need to avoid.
I find that far too many people have no idea what they should be eating for their good health. Equally as bad is someone who knows, but lacks the discipline.
In fact, in today’s busy world it’s much easier to make unhealthy eating choices than to take the time to prepare a healthier alternative, or to go out of your way to find one. So I guess in some ways, it boils down to how bad you want it.
To make a blanket statement that some foods are bad and you should never eat them would be foolish. Actually, you can eat just about anything you want if you do it in moderation. But if you’re 30 pounds overweight, and serious about losing it, I’m here to suggest that you will need to avoid certain foods.
Well actually, you need to STOP eating them until you get your weight under control. So consider them OFF LIMITS for now.
Please don’t mistake this as a restrictive diet. We are building a healthy lifestyle. It starts with awareness, choices, then action.
Your actions will begin to take shape in the form of healthy habits and disciplines that evolve into your long-term healthy lifestyle.
As Jim Rohn used to say, “What’s easy to to is easy not to do”. The choice is all yours.
If you can’t completely eliminate sugar, salt, and refined white flour from your diet, try to restrict foods where they are present or how much you use. And that goes for artificial sweeteners too.
They are harmful to your weight loss initiative. They’re unhealthy and should be avoided. At least whenever it’s possible.
Also, don’t be deceived by artificial sweeteners. Use them sparingly if you need to.
And please understand that every time food is touched (or processed), the nutritional value declines. This makes it less healthy and desirable.
So here’s my list of 13 foods to STOP eating (in no specific order):
- Fast food joints: That’s right. Mickey D’s, BK, DD’s, and all the others. How ’bout this? If there’s a “drive-thru”, drive by and don’t look back. Keep going until you find a healthy meal somewhere else.
- Fried and battered foods: Yes, french fries are off limits. So is fried chicken. Anything fried counts, so stay away.
- Processed foods and snacks: Potato chips, pretzels, and the whole gamut of low nutrient snacks. How about cold cuts, pepperoni and other processed meats? Yep! If it wasn’t living at some point – like on land, in the sea, or in the ground, you’ve gotta question it. If it’s in a bag, bag it! And be careful of granola & protein bars. They’re sometimes full of sugar and calories disguised as a healthy snack.
- Restaurants: Most of the food prepared in restaurants contains higher than normal unhealthy fats and extra calories. So try to cut back on the number of times you eat out. When you do go out, ask for healthier alternatives. Like grilled or broiled instead of fried, steamed veggies instead of fries, and water instead of soda. And skip the dessert. Your waistline and wallet will ultimately appreciate it.
- All-you-can-eat buffets: Step away from the buffet. Even if you’re not overweight, all you can eat buffets are one of the worst things you can do to your body.
- Sodas and other sugary drinks: Anything from colas, sweetened teas, flavored waters, juices, smoothies, etc. Stick with pure H2O.
- Candy: Do I need to list ’em out here? Didn’t think so.
- Creamy soups, sauces, dishes and dressings: Cream of broccoli or whatever soup including New England clam chowder. Creamy & cheesy sauces. How ’bout BBQ sauce? Sorry Memphis & Dallas, we’ll have to take a rain check. And chicken pot pie is another dish to avoid. Add to that all salad dressings. Get ’em on the side and only use a fraction of what they give you.
- Baked goods and desserts: Cookies, cakes, pies, and pastries. Sorry mom (you’re still the world’s best baker). No doughnuts either. And while we’re at it, let’s add ice cream to the list.
- Bar food: Appetizers and things like nachos, fried calamari, burgers, wings, and sliders are only a tip of the iceberg. Safe to say, anything on the bar menu is probably off-limits.
- Alcohol: That’s right, you don’t need these empty calories when you’re trying to lose weight. And a few cocktails will usually negatively impact your healthy eating plans in a number of ways. So cut it out altogether or keep it to a minimum.
- Pizza, pasta, bagels and bread: Derivatives of refined white flour have virtually no dietary fiber or nutrient value. And if that wasn’t enough, studies indicate that there are a number of other detrimental consequences from eating these foods. No, this isn’t another “carb-bashing” diet. If you must have your pasta & bread, then go w/the healthier whole wheat or whole grain version, and do so in moderation.
- Bacon: Nooooooooooo! For obvious reasons, bacon appeared in multiple categories, so it got it’s own.
WOW, that’s quite a list. And I bet you’re thinking “If I can’t eat all that stuff, then what can I actually eat?” Don’t worry. We’ll cover that in our next post where we discuss the foods that you should eat.
An interesting thing happens when you begin to avoid the foods on this list. You’ll start to feel better, look better, and you will lose weight. You may even discover that your cravings start to fade.
Too restrictive you say. Too bad I say. Too harsh? Sorry. You can either stay with the current plan or get serious. I hope this helps you take the first step. Developing healthy habits and disciplines will enable you to get your weight under control. And doing so will lead to improved health, wellness and longevity.
Here’s another viewpoint from Dr. Michael Roizen in his new book “This Is Your Do-Over“. In it, he suggests avoiding the 5 food felons.
- Saturated fat.
- Trans fat.
- Simple sugars.
- Added syrups.
- Simple carbohydrates.
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Now it’s time for YOU to take action…
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