Category Archives: Health & wellness

Harness The Power

It’s time to learn “how to” harness the power.

Power napLet’s stop and do a quick energy check.


First off, what time of day is it?

Now think about your energy level on a scale of 1 to 10.

Are you feeling refreshed, alert and ready to be productive? How about energized and creative?

Or would you instead describe yourself as worn out? Exhausted and unable to focus on the task at hand? And feeling a bit sleepy?

Towards the end of the day, the latter usually happens to most of us.

Some of this depends on:

  • the type of work you do;
  • the amount of sleep you logged the night before; and
  • your activity level and physical condition.

But none of us are super-human, despite what we may think sometimes. And most of us are dealing with some level of stress.

It’s not an excuse, it’s just reality.

So we need to do everything possible to ensure that we are showing up as our best “selves”. Whenever possible.

We all know the importance of getting 7 to 8 hours of good quality sleep every night. But sometimes that’s not possible.

Yet even when we do get enough sleep, hectic work schedules and life can demand more from us than we have to give.

It’s at these times when we can help ourselves by “plugging in” and taking a short power nap.

Power nap

Here’s what some of the experts have to say:

  • Wikipedia: A power nap is a short sleep which terminates before the occurrence of deep sleep or slow-wave sleep (SWS), intended to quickly revitalize the subject.
  • WebMD: A power nap will boost your memory, cognitive skills, creativity, and energy level.
  • “Daytime naps can be one way to treat sleep deprivation”, says Sara C. Mednick, PhD, sleep expert and author of Take a Nap! Change Your Life. “You can get incredible benefits from 15 to 20 minutes of napping,” she says. “You reset the system and get a burst of alertness and increased motor performance. That’s what most people really need to stave off sleepiness and get an energy boost.”
  • According to David Radcliffe, Vice President of Google’s Real Estate & Workplace Services says “No workplace is complete without a nap pod. We found that the five-minute to 15-minute power nap works on Sunday before you watch the football game, so why not here at work?”
  • Best-selling author Michael Hyatt says “The secret to becoming more productive is not managing your time but your energy.”

“I love a good nap. Sometimes it’s the only thing gettin’ me out of bed in the morning.”

~ George Costanza


Power nap

It’s unfortunate that napping carries such a negative stigma. Like you’re lazy, unmotivated, or just wasting time. Thanks George!

But nothing could be further from the truth (in most cases).

I also think that meditation can sometimes provide us with the refreshing benefits similar to those we gain from a power nap. Click here to link back to last week’s post.

A power nap can make you more alert and productive. Otherwise, you could find that You’re Sleeping Your Life Away.

There is plenty written about power naps. And so my goal is to bring more of an awareness to it. Helping you realize the value, benefits, and even the necessity of making time for them whenever possible.

Power nap

I’d like to share some articles and resources:

  1. wikiHow – How To Power Nap:
  2. Business Insider – How To Take The Perfect Power Nap At Work:
  3. Huff Post – How To Power Nap For All-Day Energy:
  4. Prevention – The Weird Benefit of Power Naps:
  5. Great article by Michael Hyatt – 5 Reasons Why You Should Take A Nap Every Day:
  6. And how about a little humor? Laughter is very good for us. Here’s a hilarious short clip from Seinfeld – Season 8, Episode 18: The Nap –

So what do you think? Have you benefited from power naps in the past? Or have you learned something here that may help you in the future? Your input matters, so leave a comment.

Can you believe it? You’re halfway there. We have just completed our 3rd Pillar.

I know firsthand that many of you are doing great, and due to your efforts, you’re reaping many benefits from this program.

Power nap

Stay with me. Your efforts are compounding and you’re seeing positive changes. It’s only a matter of time before massive results begin to materialize.

So keep drinking plenty of water, make time for exercise, and find a way to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. This consistency will continue to accelerate your success.

And stay tuned… you’re going to love next month’s Pillar. It’s the foundation for getting to and maintaining your ideal weight.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

Click here to subscribe. You’ll receive an email with a link to each new post. And if you know someone that can benefit from this content, please share it with them.

Relax and Recharge For Longevity

Does your busy schedule include time to relax and recharge? For energy and productivity? Safety and sanity? How about for longevity?

Or time to spend a few minutes, just being present in the moment

Relax and recharge

Okay, before you answer, take a deep breath in… Hold for 3 seconds.

Now let it out. Ohhhmmmm……

Back to my question. I’m guessing that finding time to relax and recharge may not be a priority in your busy schedule. And that’s why we are going to explore this important topic this week.

So we’ve recently covered why sleep is important to our overall health and wellness. And what happens when we don’t get enough.

This week we’ll take a peek inside our own mind.

Relax and recharge

Life moves quickly, and it can be stressful at times. That’s why it’s vital to create the space for downtime, by finding new ways to relax and recharge.

Stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But it can become unhealthy if we let it get the best of us for too long. Or if we don’t find a way to deal with it. (Hint: getting regular exercise and adequate sleep helps.)

Depending on the type of stress you’re dealing with, you can find relief in a number of ways. You could for example:

  • Go for a walk or a run.
  • Exercise.
  • Read a book.
  • Listen to music.
  • Take a vacation.
  • Find a hobby.

Notice that punching the wall wasn’t one of the options. And checking email or Facebook didn’t make my list. That just adds to your stress, and serves as a mind-numbing, time-sucking distraction. When you could’ve been doing something healthy and productive for yourself.

But hey, if checking Facebook or other social sites helps you find peace, then who am I to say it’s a bad thing. Just keep an eye on the time you spend focusing on others, which is time that you’re depriving YOU from working on YOURSELF.

You know what the flight attendants say in the safety demonstration before taking off, right?

About putting your mask on FIRST. (Click here to be sure).

Well it’s true! If you don’t put your mask on first, how can you take care of anyone else?

Are you saying, “Yea, I know all that stuff” and mentally moving on? ‘Cause you’re busy, or just got distracted by something else?

Well this is where I get pissed and say, “Okay, stop for a minute! The mask is a metaphor for your body. When are you going to get the hint, and start taking better care of yourself?”

So you can take care of your (family, employees, pet, whoever). And yes, so you can continue taking care of yourself too.

Deep breath in… Let it out. Ohhhmmmm………

We okay? Great! But I am serious about what I just said!

Alright, if you’re still with me, let’s move on.

Today I’d like to help you discover another way to relax and recharge. For short and long-term gain.


Through meditation.

Relax and recharge

I find that meditation is somewhat of an abstract, elusive “thing”. Meaning that I don’t always feel an immediate result. Some days it may not feel like I’m doing it right. Or it could feel great one day, and I might struggle the next day with calming my thoughts or focusing.

But overall, I find it very relaxing and helpful. My favorite time to meditate is right after a great workout. My mind seems to be in the perfect state to relax. All it takes is 10 to 15 minutes and I feel like a new person. Rejuvenated and ready to deal with just about anything.

If you’ve never tried it before, I’d like to help you learn more about it. And hopefully influence you enough to give it a try. Or if you’ve tried it in the past but it’s been a while, get you to give it another chance.

And if you meditate actively, I’d love to hear about it. We can all learn from each other, so leave a comment below.

I’d consider myself a novice when it comes to meditation. I still have so much to learn, but will give you some of the methods I have found beneficial with the hope that it will spark something for you.

And it doesn’t have to be a rigid ritual that requires formal training. I’ve never been formally trained in this area. I’ve only read a few books over the years, which is why I feel I have a lot to learn.

Relax and recharge

At this time in my life I prefer guided meditations. There are countless smartphone apps and websites that offer “free” guided versions. So all you need is your smartphone, a pair of headphones, and a comfortable, distraction-free place to sit where you have privacy. By the way, your car can be that place.

I would suggest that you Google “guided meditations”. Or search for the same phrase in the App Store or Google Play Store. Listen to or preview a few until you find something that resonates with you based on the person’s voice, background music, duration, and the type of content.

In addition to meditation, I learned about the power of solitude over 30 years ago, which could also be considered a form of meditation. This is where you sit still, in silence, distraction free for 15 to 20 minutes, with your eyes closed, without moving. And these days, you need to put your phone in airplane mode.

If you’ve never tried this, you may find it extremely difficult the first few times. But it’s a great way to calm your mind and observe your thoughts. As you begin to relax, focus on your breathing or the ambient noise (which shouldn’t include the TV, radio, etc.).

It’s incredible the number of thoughts that appear when you slow down and observe. I challenge you to give it a try. Whether it’s to calm your thoughts. To plan your day. Or to find a solution to a challenging problem. The key is to try to remain uninterrupted so you can relax.

Here are a few resources

…that may help you discover the benefits of meditation.

  1. WebMD article:
  2. Huff Post article:
  3. The Honest Guys website for free guided meditations:
  4. Mindful Muscle:

My goal here is to get you to slow down. To think and reflect. Without distraction. Focusing on the present. Breathing deep, and letting it out slowly. You can enhance the experience by feeling the emotion of gratitude for all that you have in your life. And for this opportunity to take a few minutes for yourself.


Now, it’s time to get back to reality. Keep drinking plenty of water, make time for exercise, find a way to get 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep every night, and discover the joys of meditation.

By the way, March 17th is World Sleep Day. It’s intended to raise awareness of sleep disorders and the burden they place on society.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

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When You Don’t Snooze, You Lose!

What happens when you don’t snooze? That’s right – you lose!

Well, read on to make sure this doesn’t happen to you.

Sleep deprivation

Wakey, wakey… Time to get back to work!

How do you feel when you don’t get enough sleep?

  • Are you enthusiastic and upbeat; or irritable and lethargic?
  • Do you feel like going for a workout; or lounging in front of the TV with a bowl of ice cream or bag of chips?
  • Are you productive and creative; or distracted and uninspired?

Think about the choices and decisions you’ve made when you were sleep deprived.

Were they aligned with ones you would have normally made; or did they come back to haunt you at another time?

Like the bag of chips lounging in front of the TV…

You know where this is heading. And for good reason.

Aside from an unavoidable or extreme circumstance that may happen occasionally. Or a medical condition. You are in complete control of how much sleep you get every night.

It’s your responsibility to make sure it happens. And it’s your fault when it doesn’t.

Sleep deprivation

This week we’ll look at how sleep deprivation is costing us all more than just wasted time. And if you have trouble sleeping, we’ll discuss a few ways to help you solve this problem, once and for all.

In Michael Hyatt’s blog post “4 Reasons Your Leadership Suffers When You Cheat Sleep”, he points out: The national average for the amount of sleep that leaders get is hours a night. About 20% less than what most people think they’re getting. And it gets worse if the quality of your sleep is suffering.

He goes on by outlining 4 reasons why not getting enough sleep is undermining your team.

When you’re sleep deprived:

  1. Your ability to selectively focus your attention is impaired.
  2. Innovation and problem solving suffers.
  3. Decision making skills decline.
  4. Emotionally, feelings are expressed in a more negative way.

Sleep deprivation

WebMD wrote about 10 Things to Hate About Sleep Loss.

Here’s their list:

  1. Sleepiness causes accidents.
  2. Sleep loss dumbs you down.
  3. Sleep deprivation can lead to serious health problems.
  4. Lack of sleep kills sex drive.
  5. Sleepiness is depressing.
  6. Lack of sleep ages your skin.
  7. Sleepiness makes you forgetful.
  8. Losing sleep can make you gain weight.
  9. Lack of sleep may increase risk of death.
  10. Sleep loss impairs judgement, especially about sleep.

None of the items on either list are going to improve your life. In fact, you can expect just the opposite. Hey, doesn’t this sound like even more of a reason to make sleep a priority?

But what can you do if you have trouble getting to sleep?

According to the Consumer Reports ‘On Health’ publication, up to 70 million Americans may have a sleep disorder. And according to research published in the journal ‘Sleep Medicine’, more than 40 million of them don’t get a proper diagnosis or treatment. Jeeze!

Can you relate to this?

Sleep deprivation

If that’s a YES, you should seek help.

They suggest that if you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or can’t function normally, you should consult your primary care physician to identify or rule out illnesses that can affect sleep. Like depression and overactive thyroid.

Otherwise, it’s recommended that you see a board-certified sleep specialist. They can determine if you’re suffering from a common sleep disorder that may include:

  1. Chronic insomnia.
  2. Obstructive sleep apnea.
  3. Restless legs syndrome.

Chronic insomnia affects roughly 10 to 15 percent of adults. It’s defined as trouble falling or staying asleep at least 3 times per week for 3 months or more. Lifestyle habits are evaluated including caffeine use, alcohol consumption, use of electronic devices close to bedtime, and medications taken.

Obstructive sleep apnea affects an estimated 25 million Americans. It results in numerous pauses in breathing during sleep. A sleep lab polysomnogram is recommended to properly diagnose this disorder.

Restless legs syndrome affects about 10 percent of American adults. Symptoms include leg sensations such as burning, a creepy-crawly feeling, throbbing, or an uncontrollable urge to move your legs.

I’m not a doctor or a sleep expert. But for these 3 symptoms, I would also recommend that you take a close look at your diet, exercise frequency, and activity level.

There are 3 main components to The Health Triad. Check it out here.

Think about it like a 3-legged stool. If one of the legs is broken, the stool is unable to support itself. Before the stool can stand on its own, you need to restore the broken leg. The same is true with your health & wellness.

Make sense?

We’ve covered a lot here.

You need 8 hours of sleep every night. If you’re falling short, it’s up to you to take control. And if you think you have a sleep disorder, seek medical help.

Your health and your life depend on it!

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

Click here to subscribe. You’ll receive an email with a link to each new post. And if you know someone that can benefit from this content, please share it with them.

Time To Get Some Sleep

There are some essential things in life that, like it or not, we just have to do. And one of them is to make time to get some sleep.

This is NOT an option. It’s a necessity.

And getting adequate sleep is mandatory

We are moving into a new month, and you know what that means. Time to start building a new habit. As the saying goes, “time flies when you’re having fun”.

Remember, we are focusing on one new healthy habit every month.

  1. To make it easier to manage.
  2. By giving you time to make each one your own.
  3. While helping you develop 6 new habits in 6 months that will last a lifetime.

As you can tell by the title for month 3, we’re toning it down a little.


I know what you’re thinking, “But I thought we were here to work hard. I want to lose weight and get in great shape”.

And you are correct. We are, and you will. But stay with me because there’s a valid reason for this month’s habit, and you’ll be able to accomplish it with your eyes closed.

And that’s because our Pillar for Month 3 is SLEEP.

We will learn how getting the proper amount of rest will enable you to recharge your mental, physical, and emotional capacities so you can be your best, and capable of doing more.

Do I have your interest?

I hope so because you’re not going to want to snooze through this one. So let’s get started.

Sleep is a major part of your health & wellness.

In an article titled, “Why Is Sleep Important”, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) discusses how getting the right amount of sleep can help your memory, and improve learning ability, problem-solving, creativity, focus and decision-making skills.

So it’s obvious that if you don’t get enough rest, your abilities in these areas would be negatively impacted.

According to the NIH in this article, “Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. The way you feel while you’re awake depends in part on what happens while you’re sleeping.”

They go on to describe how sleep plays such an important role in your physical health. And that ongoing sleep deficiency increases your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and even early death.

I encourage you to read this article at:

So then this begs the question…

“What happens when we sleep?” 


Here’s what the National Sleep Foundation says:

“Sleep architecture follows a pattern of alternating REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep throughout a typical night in a cycle that repeats itself about every 90 minutes.”

They go on to illustrate the role each stage and state of sleep plays:

NREM (75% of night): As we begin to fall asleep, we enter NREM sleep, which is composed of stages 1-4

Stage 1

  • Between being awake and falling asleep
  • Light sleep

Stage 2

  • Onset of sleep
  • Becoming disengaged from surroundings
  • Breathing and heart rate are regular
  • Body temperature drops (so sleeping in a cool room is helpful)

Stages 3 and 4

  • Deepest and most restorative sleep
  • Blood pressure drops
  • Breathing becomes slower
  • Muscles are relaxed
  • Blood supply to muscles increases
  • Tissue growth and repair occurs
  • Energy is restored
  • Hormones are released, such as: Growth hormone, essential for growth and development, including muscle development

REM (25% of night): First occurs about 90 minutes after falling asleep and recurs about every 90 minutes, getting longer later in the night

  • Provides energy to brain and body
  • Supports daytime performance
  • Brain is active and dreams occur
  • Eyes dart back and forth
  • Body becomes immobile and relaxed, as muscles are turned off

In addition, levels of the hormone cortisol dip at bed time and increase over the night to promote alertness in morning.

Sleep helps us thrive by contributing to a healthy immune system, and can also balance our appetites by helping to regulate levels of the hormones ghrelin and leptin, which play a role in our feelings of hunger and fullness. So when we’re sleep deprived, we may feel the need to eat more, which can lead to weight gain.

The one-third of our lives that we spend sleeping, far from being “unproductive,” plays a direct role in how full, energetic and successful the other two-thirds of our lives can be.

If sleep is cut short, the body doesn’t have time to complete all of the phases needed for muscle repair, memory consolidation and release of hormones regulating growth and appetite. Then we wake up less prepared to concentrate, make decisions, or engage fully.

It’s interesting to see what occurs during the various states and stages of sleep. And I think the last 3 paragraphs sum it up very well. (Scroll back up and re-read those last 3 paragraphs in bold)

The consensus from my research puts the recommended amount of sleep for adults between 7 to 9 hours per night. Most experts agree that logging less than 7 or more than 9 is not advisable.


Over the past few years since I’ve been focusing on getting at least 7 but preferably 8 hours of sleep, I can say with absolute certainty that getting enough sleep makes a big difference the next day in so many ways.

And on those rare occasions when I get less than 7 hours, the exact opposite is true.

I hope you found this interesting. Next week we will try to put this into perspective by discussing what happens when you don’t get enough sleep. Until then, make sleep a priority and make sure that you are getting the recommended 7 to 9 hours per night.

If you schedule it, you have a much better chance of accomplishing it. And that may mean you have to go to bed a little earlier. But you’re worth it, so take care of yourself and get some sleep!

I’d like to wrap up with a sleep-related product recommendation.

It’s about the heavily promoted and advertised product is called “My Pillow”. But this is not a favorable rating or testimonial to buy the product. My recommendation to you is to NOT buy this product.

Although the inventor and CEO appears to be a good guy, his product My Pillow is garbage in my opinion, and not worth 2 cents. I’m simply passing this on to hopefully save you time and money.

Always remember, it’s not what happens to us that matters. Stuff happens to everyone.

It’s what we do about what happens to us that makes the difference.

So keep drinking plenty of water, make time for exercise, and find a way to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

Click here to subscribe. You’ll receive an email with a link to each new post. And if you know someone that can benefit from this content, please share it with them.

What Motivates You To Exercise?

So what motivates you to exercise? We’ll unpack this further today.


Learning about it is important. But taking action is paramount!

As we wrap up Habit # 2 (and reach the milestone of our 100th post), I want to make sure that you understand the value of exercise.

And break your sedentary lifestyle, if that describes you. Or help you maintain this essential habit if it’s something you’re already doing.

But let’s first address a common problem that everyone faces from time to time. We can assign several labels to it. And whether you’re a fitness veteran, or a beginner, we can all relate.

What’s the problem?

You can say it has something to do with accountability, commitment, and responsibility. And they affect us differently. So let’s take a closer look at 3 variations.

  1. Motivation. You know this feeling if you’re a fitness veteran. When you just don’t feel like going to the gym. And you look for reasons to justify why you shouldn’t, or don’t need to… ‘today’.
  2. Getting started. If exercise is new to you, then you simply need to show up and start moving. You may not want to go, but haven’t earned the right to call this a motivation issue yet.
  3. Getting re-started. And if you’ve ever taken any time off from your exercise routine and tried to get back to it, then you can understand and appreciate this issue. It’s kind of a combination of the first two.

All 3 of these relate to breaking a commitment that we’ve made to ourselves. Dodging responsibility.

Has this ever turned into a negotiation for you?

Inside your head, between you and you?

I have to admit. Been there, done that.

Actually, I’m not sure that you can even call it a negotiation since you’re working both sides of the argument.

And here’s the worst part – you can’t win. So stop the madness.


If you Google “motivation”, you’ll soon discover that it can be quite a complex topic. Involving behavior, and the psychology of what’s behind our actions that result in the decisions we make.

I’m going to attempt to keep it simple here. I think we’ve all heard of the carrot and stick. How about the desire to gain pleasure vs. the need to avoid pain? Same concept. Or how about intrinsic (internal) motivation vs. extrinsic (external) motivation?

In some situations, you may find that you’re more intrinsically motivated. For example, you’ve signed up for a course because you believe it will help you advance your career. You’re internally driven to complete the course because of the future potential it holds.

How about entering a competition where your results will be compared with other participants? Or the potential of a reward for achieving a sales goal (monetary, recognition, etc.). And you discover that in this situation, your drive is more extrinsically focused.

Whether you’re internally or externally motivated for a given task doesn’t matter as much as it does to recognize it. And more importantly, knowing why you’re doing this and what it will mean to you to accomplish it.

Your “why-power” is powerful, and necessary if you want to make it past the finish line.

Your WHY is vitally important for:

  • staying focused on the long-term picture.
  • keeping you accountable when your motivation wanes.
  • helping you stay on-track when setbacks take you off-track.
  • overcoming obstacles that cause you to want to throw in the towel.

We all face challenges, and no one is perfect. As we gain a better understanding of our own strengths and weaknesses, or disciplines and temptations, we can prepare ourselves to handle things that are thrown our way. Including those that can trip us up.

If you are currently exercising, accountability and motivation challenges can rear their ugly head from time to time. And they can be caused by anything.

For example, you may get derailed:

  • during a plateau, when results appear to be non-existent.
  • when long hours at work consume most of your waking hours.
  • if you’re stressed from life’s demands and it starts taking a toll on you.
  • after an injury, sickness, vacation, or extended time off from your normal routine.
  • when your workout gets boring, or no longer challenges you the same as it once did.
  • if chronic pain flares up.
  • [Insert your reason.]

If exercise is new to you, or it’s been years since you’ve worked out, getting started may represent your biggest challenge. But you may also have to deal with:

  • a weak, uninspiring goal.
  • laziness from being sedentary.
  • uncertainty about what to do (or how to get started).
  • insecurity, fear of the unknown, or a lack of confidence.
  • lack of interest, indicating the need for a stronger WHY.
  • initial soreness and muscle fatigue that keeps you sidelined.
  • expecting too much, too soon.
  • [Insert your reason.]

Realize that these are all normal occurrences. They happen to everyone. It’s part of being human.

But it’s also exciting and motivating to overcome these challenges when you’re faced with them. So it’s best to be aware, and prepare.

Here are some suggestions. You can hire a personal trainer for a few sessions, recruit an exercise buddy, mix up your routine a bit, or set shorter term mini goals to recognize incremental results along the way.

Or try exercising at a different time, like in the evening if morning is your normal routine. You may find that you enjoy the time change occasionally, and may even get a different result.

Here’s where a strong “why” comes to your aid. Forget about willpower. To overcome inactivity, you need strong reasons why you want to (and should)exercise. Along with what it will mean to you when you do.

And when you need a little extra motivation, take a page out of Nike’s playbook and “Just Do It!”.

Or, just stay home. Yes, that’s right. Take the day off.

Once in a while is okay. This could be your body giving you a signal that it needs a break. Only you can judge this. Just don’t let it become a habit.

Ok, let’s put exercise motivation aside for a minute, and look at this from a different perspective.


If you choose to not exercise, or haven’t exercised in years for whatever reason, we need to talk. I’m not here to pick on you. And I am certainly not here to judge. But I am here to help you recognize the necessity and the value of exercise.

And find a way to get you to take action.

While there is no guarantee that exercise helps you live a longer more active and enjoyable life, there is plenty of evidence and medical data which shows that it does.

In fact, exercise has been proven to provide numerous health benefits. We discussed some of them 2 weeks ago. You can link back here.

But in this post, I am not going to focus on the benefits again. I’d prefer to look at it from the ‘other side’ to see if I can entice you to reconsider exercise.

There’s plenty of proof that’s been gathered from people who avoid exercise and make bad food choices. After years of abuse and neglect, you’ll find many of them in hospitals and cemeteries.

By NOT exercising, you run the risk of:

  • Gaining weight (and getting fat).
  • Becoming depressed and unhappy.
  • Having a stroke or heart attack.
  • Developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Falling and breaking something.
  • Dying earlier than necessary.
  • ‘nuf said?

motivationThis is not a scare tactic. But feel free to use it as one if it gets you to start moving.

We have one body and one life.

It’s a gift that we should cherish, take seriously, and take care of.

Any questions?

Next week we’ll tone it down a little as we launch our 3rd Pillar. If you’re working hard and you’re feeling the burn, you’ll appreciate next month’s habit.

In the meantime, get some exercise and keep drinking plenty of water.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

Click here to subscribe. You’ll receive an email with a link to each new post. And if you know someone that can benefit from this content, please share it with them.

You Can’t Manage What You Can’t Measure

If you want to build a new habit, you need to reinforce it. I have found the best way to do this is with a simple technique called “tracking”. And this powerful technique is proven by the simple fact that you can’t manage what you can’t measure.


In today’s post, we’ll discuss how you can start leveraging this valuable tool. But more on this in a minute.

I also have an exercise tip from my friend and Certified Personal Trainer, Ron Bove in The Trainers Corner.

This month’s habit is exercise. And so far, we’ve covered the 2 primary types – strength and cardio training. We’ve also discussed the impact that exercise intensity can have on our results.

As you strive to reach your exercise goals, one day at a time

You’ll find that you have:

  • More energy.
  • Better focus.
  • Greater strength and stability.
  • A desire to move more.
  • Increased endurance during exercise and throughout your day.
  • The ability to manage stress better.
  • A lower resting heart rate.
  • Better quality sleep.
  • And a new outlook on life!

Building on our healthy exercise habit, this week I would like to explore the benefits of a valuable tool that I mentioned above. But don’t worry, I am not trying to sell you a new gadget.

This tool costs you nothing, yet will help you accomplish SO much. It will keep you motivated as you begin to see results in this 6 Pillars To Better Health & Vitality program.

And hey, you may already be using it to some degree.

What is it?

It’s called “tracking”.

Tracking brings your choices, decisions, habits, and behaviors to your conscious awareness by allowing you to see what you are currently doing, or not doing.

Equally as important, tracking helps you micro-manage the things you want to start, stop, or continue doing.

And this impacts your results – bigtime!

How freakin’ cool is that?


Here’s an example of how I’ve used tracking.

For the past 20 years, I have worn a heart-rate monitor during my workouts. I did this so I could measure and track my calorie burn. And that’s because calorie burn was an important metric that helped ensure that I was meeting or exceeding one of my goals.

I’m still tracking my calorie burn, but to a lesser degree because I’ve got a good handle on that metric. Other things I’m tracking at the moment include my daily water intake, sleep, and weekly exercise.

But here’s the main point I want to pass on.

If you are serious about a goal (and why wouldn’t you be), you should be tracking the key behaviors that will help you achieve that goal. And if your goal is to lose 30 pounds by July 1st, then pick ONE important element to measure. And start tracking it immediately!

Let’s look at some key behaviors that you can track based on a weight-loss goal.

  • Your daily steps.
  • Your daily calorie intake.
  • The number of times you exercise every week.
  • The number of calories burned during exercise.
  • The type of exercise performed (strength or cardio).
  • The number of miles you walked or ran.
  • The number of hours you sleep every night.
  • The number of times you say NO to dessert.

Some of these metrics can translate into data that will become the daily and weekly next steps of your longer-term goal.

This is key!

But make it easy on yourself.

Track one thing for the next month. After you build that habit, you can add a second key behavior to track. Which is exactly what we’re doing in this program.

Just don’t fall into the trap of tracking everything at once.

It may seem exciting for the first week. But it will quickly become a monotonous chore that you will eventually despise. And then stop doing altogether.

So make it a habit that’s simple. One that you will want to maintain.

And tracking with your smartphone is a great way to start.


For example, iPhone users have the built-in “Health” app. The dashboard feature makes it so easy to enter and view the information you want to start tracking.

Visually, you can see your progress. And it’s all stored in one place.

For Android users, check out the Google Fit or S Health apps. Or do a search in the Google Play store to research any new apps.

So what’s my tip for this week? Start tracking.

Measure and track one key behavior that will help you accomplish your annual health & wellness goal.

What’s the ONE key behavior you’ll start tracking?

For additional help, check out these 2 posts on tracking:

Along with these valuable resources from Darren Hardy:

And if you’re interested in tracking your exercise calorie burn, then I highly recommend you check out Polar heart rate monitors. Unlike the Fitbit or other fitness trackers, Polar heart rate monitors are better for tracking calories burned (in my opinion).


Because you’re measuring calories burned during exercise only. Our bodies burn calories all day long. When we are walking, talking, eating, sitting… Even sleeping.

And I’m not interested in tracking something that happens naturally and automatically. Especially when I’m in a resting state.

TrackingI prefer tracking something that I’m doing incrementally that is positively impacting my good health. And that’s exercise.

So I track it!

What do you think? Will you give “tracking” a try? I sure hope so.

Before we end this post, I want to introduce you to my friend Ron Bove. I’ve asked Ron to provide a brief piece this week on exercise.

The Trainers Corner:

by Ron Bove

Try This All-in-One Combination Exercise
A side-step squat with wood chop works your arms, torso, abs, back, legs, thighs and butt. Make sure you maintain proper form when doing this exercise. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a 3 to 4-pound medicine ball or dumbbell in your hands. Bend your arms up so that the ball is at eye level over your right shoulder. As you bring the ball down toward your left knee, step out with your left leg and bend it no further than 90 degrees, keeping your right leg straight. Return to the starting position. Do 10 to 12 reps on one side and then repeat on the other leg.

We’ve covered a lot today.

Next week we’ll wrap up our exercise habit with a topic that will keep you coming back for more. One more post on exercise, and a desire to dive into our 3rd Pillar next month.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

Click here to subscribe. You’ll receive an email with a link to each new post. And if you know someone that can benefit from this content, please share it with them.


Exercise For Longevity

Welcome to Pillar 2! This week we introduce the second healthy habit of our program – exercise. If you participated in Habit 1, I’d like to congratulate you for completing this first vital habit.

Habits help you exercise for longevity

In case you’re just joining us, we are launching 6 healthy habits to help you get into the best shape of your life. One new habit every month, from January to June.

You can link back to the first habit here.

But you may be wondering…

“One habit per month? Why are we taking it so slow?”

Here’s why

Habits can be difficult to develop, especially when life gets in the way. I want to make it as easy as possible for you to succeed. By giving you the gift of focus and time to reinforce each new habit.

For month 2 we will add exercise to your routine. It’s an essential part of your healthy lifestyle.

In addition to making you look and feel great, you will become stronger and leaner when you exercise for longevity.

I’d also like you to consider the additional benefits. Exercise will

  • burn fat and build muscle.
  • reduce stress and improve your mood.
  • improve your heart and cardiovascular functions.
  • increase blood flow to your brain and improve cognition.
  • prevent heart attacks, stroke and high blood pressure.
  • strengthen bones and improve balance as you age.
  • prevent or reverse nasty diseases like type 2 diabetes.
  • improve your focus, creativity, and productivity.
  • get you into fantastic shape, if done right.
  • help you lose or maintain weight.
  • reduce anxiety and depression.

And the benefits of exercise don’t stop here.

The two primary forms of exercise that we will cover include strength and cardio training. This week’s focus will be on the strength part. Strength-training (aka resistance training or weight lifting) becomes even more important as we age.

It’s been proven that our muscles, bones, circulatory and respiratory systems all benefit from strength-training. But despite this fact, not enough people include it in their weekly exercise routine.

Reasons vary but include limited knowledge of what to do, a lack of discipline, and a concern about becoming too bulked up with big muscles. Like this guy…

Why does Arnold exercise for longevity

Ok, so I have to ask. Was this your first thought when I mentioned strength-training? Were you afraid you would bulk up like Arnold?

Be honest…

Take a deep breath. Relax. And don’t worry. You will never look like this. Even if you spent 3 hours a day in the gym, 6 days a week.

So let’s eliminate that concern right up front. Unless it’s your goal and you consume large amounts of performance enhancing drugs.

Otherwise, you don’t have to worry. Go train hard with confidence.

If you’re new to exercise, body weight exercises like the ones covered in the Accelerate Your Weight-Loss post can become your initial workout for the first month or two as you acclimate your body to exercise, based on your fitness level.

It’s best to take it slow in the beginning.

You will also need to change the order of these 6 exercises to suit your muscle groups better.

For example, start with push-ups. Then move to squats, mountain climbers, lunges, planks, and high knee pull-downs. And then go for at least 3 sets.

During the first month, you should not be concerned with intensity, or results. Instead, shift your focus to learning the exercises and practicing good form.

After you graduate to weights, you can perform one set of this “accelerate your weight-loss” routine as your pre-workout warmup.

Exercise for longevityAfter the first month or two, your strength-training routine will continue to target the major muscle groups including your legs, chest, back, shoulders, arms, and core.

I strongly suggest that you hire a certified personal trainer (CPT) at your local gym. Especially if strength-training is new to you.

CPT’s possess the skills to help people with different physical abilities and fitness levels by customizing the right exercises that enable you to achieve maximum results.

In addition, the one-on-one interaction ensures that you’re learning the proper technique and doing the exercises in good form. Even if it’s only for a few sessions.

Tom Venuto, former bodybuilder and best-selling author suggests using dumbbells when you’re just starting out. Dumbbells are easy to handle and you can use them in the gym or at home.

Dumbbells encourage equal development on each side of your body, and they’re safer. Especially if you’re training alone. I personally include them in my strength-training sessions.

Burn the fat feed the muscle teaches you to exercise for longevity

By the way, I highly recommend his book Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle if you want to get in shape, the natural way through exercise and good nutrition.

Not only is Tom an expert in his field, he offers great insight and devotes a section to specific exercises in his 28-day plan. You’ll learn about the 10 biggest weight training myths, and how weight training helps you get leaner.

So let’s recap.

  • This month’s healthy habit is exercise.
  • This week’s homework involves starting a strength-training plan.
  • If you are new to exercise, spend the first month or two getting your body acclimated by doing body-weight exercises. Click here for suggestions.
  • After your first month or two of body-weight exercises, it’s time to start strength-training with weights. Preferably with dumbbells, 2 to 3 days per week.
  • Refer to Tom Venuto’s 28-day plan (TNB-28) in Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle.
  • You should hire a certified personal trainer (CPT) to match your physical abilities and fitness level with the right exercises.
  • And there’s no need to be intimidated by big muscles or physically fit people. You have your own goals and abilities. Focus on what you want! And work towards achieving it.

Disclaimer: Whenever starting a new exercise plan or nutrition program, you should always consult a doctor.

And finally, here’s a brief list of resources to help you exercise for longevity:

In the meantime, keep reinforcing your water habit by drinking more water as you begin to exercise for longevity.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

Click here to subscribe. You’ll receive an email with a link to each new post. And if you know someone that can benefit from this content, please share it with them.

Stop Being So Sweet

I hope you’re still thirsty for more information, and water.

Still thirsty for more water

In this final segment of our first healthy habit, we’ll look at the impact that “sweetness” is having on your weight-loss initiative, and overall health & wellness.

From processed table sugar to artificial sweeteners.

stop being so sweet

The point is not to pick on anyone with a sweet tooth or sugar addiction. But last week’s concept of adding a little flavor to your water so you can drink more inspired this post.

I’d also like to look at the “sugar-free” craze that’s been promoted and popularized for too many years. And the side effects of relying on anything sugar-free as a crutch in your nutrition plan.

Sugar-free beverages and processed food crap is SABOTAGING your weight-loss efforts.

This has created a serious problem that’s not limited to the diet soft drink you have with lunch. But also includes those colorful little packets like Splenda, Equal, NutraSweet, and Sweet ‘N Low (to name a few), that you add to other things you consume throughout the day.

But before we go any further, let’s start by understanding a little more about sugar, which is also referred to as “added” sugar.

The American Heart Association sets daily intake guidelines by the teaspoon and total calories.

They allow up to 6 teaspoons per day for women, or about 90 calories. And up to 9 teaspoons for men, or about 135 calories.

But you shouldn’t go for the max here. Less than the recommended amount or none is better. Here’s why

Say not to sugar

Consider this, a teaspoon or an equivalent sugar packet contains 4 grams and about 15 calories.

I know it doesn’t seem like much. But those 15 calories are truly “empty” calories with ZERO nutritional value.

And they add up quickly.

I want you to think about what this means when the nutrition label on that 20-ounce bottle of Pepsi you reach for indicates zero fat.

But if you read further, you’ll see 69 grams of sugar and 250 calories. This equates to 17 packets of sugar!

Are you freakin’ kidding me?

According to the American Heart Association, the average American consumes about 21 teaspoons per day from added sugars. Equivalent to about 330 calories.

That’s more than triple the recommended daily limit for women, and more than double the recommended for men.

And although naturally occurring sugars such as those found in fruit and some dairy products contribute to your overall sugar intake, according to dietary experts, they don’t qualify as “added” sugars.

But this doesn’t mean you should go overboard. A few servings every day is sufficient.

There are hidden dangers with added sugar. The most common is white table sugar. But added sugars also include, brown sugar, honey, high-fructose corn syrup, agave nectar, and dextrose.

The list goes on. And keep in mind that sugar is not only limited to desserts, candy or soda. It sneaks into some “not-so-obvious” places. Like cereals, salad dressings, so-called “healthy” sports bars and drinks, low-fat yogurt, and most cold cuts, just to name a few.

So it’s important to read your nutrition labels carefully. Or just stick to whole foods whenever possible.

Remember the vitaminwater example from last week? What you see is NOT always what you get. vitaminwater is marketed as healthy, but contains 8 packets of sugar in a 20-ounce bottle.

It’s supposed to be water! So why does it need 32 grams of sugar added to it?

I won’t even waste the time to find out if it contains any legitimate vitamins as the name claims. That’s doubtful and it doesn’t matter. You can’t even use in your car’s radiator or battery.

Okay, I’m done ranting for now.

Let’s move on to artificial sweeteners, also known as low-calorie sweeteners or sugar substitutes.

It’s obvious that artificial sweeteners are intended to add sweetness without the calories.

At first glance, these sugar substitutes appear to be a good thing. You’re not consuming all of that unhealthy sugar. And they’re supposed to help you lose weight by eliminating the extra calories.

Sounds harmless, right?

Well think again…

Although they provide taste to your food and beverages similar to table sugar, they are sometimes referred to as “intense” sweeteners because they are hundreds to thousands of times sweeter. And therein lies one of the problems.

Because artificial sweeteners are so “potent”, some studies have shown that you actually train your body to crave more sugar.

And with beverages like diet soda, you could be priming your brain to want to eat more because you’re not getting the same fullness of the sugar-sweetened version.

Fat cells act like sponges, looking to absorb more fat.

One study showed that diet soda drinkers had a 70% increase in waste circumference as compared to non-diet soda drinkers. Other studies have shown associations between artificially sweetened drinks and obesity.

Here’s a very common example: “I’ll have the bacon cheeseburger with fries please. Oh, and a large diet Coke, ‘cause I’m watching my calories.”

Sound familiar? Perhaps you’ve heard someone else order this before?

So let’s cut to the chase.

Added sugar has NO nutritional value. Our bodies don’t need it.

There’s plenty of data, both in favor of, and against the use of artificial sweeteners.

Want my suggestion?

Make a commitment to STOP using sugar altogether, as soon as possible. Real or artificial, it’s not helping you.

I realize that it may not be easy to quit cold turkey. And that you’re going to have to sacrifice a little. But your health is well worth the sacrifice, and you’ll be much better off not being so sweet.

Here are a few articles that may help you kick the habit:

Next week we introduce our 2nd pillar. I’ll give you a sneak preview – it’s about exercise.

But don’t sweat it just yet. We’re going to start slow.

If you haven’t exercised in a while, talk to your doctor first. Then you will have the opportunity to ease into this 2nd essential habit. And if you’re currently exercising, there’s plenty here for you too.

In the meantime, keep reinforcing your water habit by drinking more water.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

Click here to subscribe. You’ll receive an email with a link to each new post. And if you know someone that can benefit from this content, please share it with them.

What, You Don’t Like Water?

Are you drinking your recommended amount of water?

drink more water

EVERY day???

I am. I hope you are too. Remember to focus on one day at a time.

As we’ve discovered so far, water is essential to our health & wellness in so many ways. This week we will look at ways to incorporate water into our daily routine.

If you know me, you know that I have at least 1 or 2 bottles of water with me at all times. And a few in the car as backup. It’s one of the reasons that I am able to reach my daily water goal.

You can’t drink it if you don’t have it. And if it’s not in your face, it’s easy to get caught up with whatever you’re doing and forget to drink. So make it easier on yourself by keeping it with you.

My favorite brand is SmartWater because I like the taste. You may be thinking, “It’s just water. Doesn’t all water taste the same?”.

Actually no, it doesn’t.

But it’s a good thing that I also like the taste of my filtered tap water at home. Because I drink so much water, I refill quite a bit. Which helps to reduce the amount of trips to Costco, and recycling.

So taste is obviously affected when I refill, which leads to the main reason I like Smart Water. It’s the shape of the bottle.


The 1 liter bottle is slim, which makes it easy to carry and easy to track. And it fits nicely in the cup holder in my car.

I’ve also learned to drink it when it’s warm. Not hot, just room temperature. This makes it a lot easier on you.

Think about it. If you can only drink it when it’s ice cold, then you are making it tougher on yourself to keep it with you.

So give it a shot and get used to drinking it at room temperature at times. Like when you’re on the go and can’t keep it refrigerated.

I’ve met some people that simply don’t like water. It’s hard to understand, but I get it. So what can you do if this describes you?


But it may take some extra effort to prepare something that appeals a little more to your taste buds.

Try a squeeze of lemon, lime or orange in your water

Try a squeeze of lemon, lime or orange. Or add some cucumber or fresh mint. How about fresh berries?

Some people prefer to add some fizz by carbonating their water. So if natural water tastes too bland or you’re looking for some variety, the carbon dioxide gas will make it bubbly and tangy.

Think seltzer water; not club soda. Soda water (aka club soda) contains unnecessary sodium.

I was unable to confirm the accurateness, but I’ve read multiple sources that claim you can count 50% of the volume from coffee and tea as long as you don’t add milk and sugar.

If it helps in the beginning, then count it. But I would focus on drinking your recommended amount of water, and enjoy the coffee or tea for other reasons. And count it as a bonus.

The bottom line is this.

You need to drink a lot of water every day. And whatever helps you drink more of it, then I say go for it. If you need a little help with flavoring or bubbles, that’s fine. Drink up. Just be aware of added sugars, sodium or caffeine.

Beware of sports drinks

And beware of sports drinks. They’re marketed as healthy, but in many cases, they’re not. Our bodies need water; not Propel, Vitamin Water or other sports beverages that are full of sugar.

And unless you’re an elite athlete that needs to be concerned with fluid loss due to extreme training, you don’t have to worry about drinking Gatorade to replenish your electrolyte levels.

FYI, vitaminwater (owned by Coca Cola) contains 32 grams of added sugar in a 20-ounce bottle.

32 grams of added sugar – that’s insane!

I’m not suggesting this, but even a Snapple Iced Tea contains less added sugar. And vitaminwater is marketed as “healthy” – wth?

So the lesson here is: What you see is NOT always what you get.

Don’t judge a book by its cover… Or take what you see, hear and read at face value. Look closely and question everything. Including nutrition labels on food and beverages.

Want some help keeping track of your water intake?

There are plenty of smartphone apps.

Or, you can go analog and download a copy of Darren Hardy’s “Weekly Rhythm Register”.

Go to and download it for free.

As we add new habits, you will find this to be a valuable tool for “tracking” your new healthy habits.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

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Why Is Water So Important?

Last week I introduced a new 6-month program. It’s designed to help you take control of your weight-loss initiative by making more informed choices and building better habits.

So you can get into the best shape of your life. And maintain your new healthy lifestyle for as long as you live!

For the next 6 months, I am going to teach you 6 core fundamentals that will have a tremendous impact and long-term benefit on your overall health and longevity.

Every month, we will focus on one new habit for the entire month.

As you consciously weave each new habit into your day, you will begin to integrate the new habit with each “learned habit” that you’ve developed up to that point.

This approach builds a sustainable set of disciplines. And since they’ve become part of YOUR daily routine, they will feel simple and natural. Why? Because they are…

Congratulations! You have created your own healthy lifestyle.

You will never worry about being overweight or out of shape again.

The first habit is WATER. And you should be drinking A LOT of it.

Ladies, that’s at least 2 to 3 liters. And guys, at least 3 to 4 liters.

Yes, every day. 7 days a week.

Let’s face it, succeeding at most things really boils down to a few key things. And it’s the same for getting in shape and losing weight.

It’s not one thing, like a magic pill or supplement. And it’s not 30 things with outrageous claims. This should be a RED flag.

We’re talking about fundamentals – things you already know about. And habits – doing a few things more consistently; even when you don’t want to.

So you can maximize your results and achieve big goals.

In my opinion, it’s a simple change in some of the choices we make.

This is not a restrictive diet or rigid exercise program. But you may need to “unlearn” some of the innocent yet destructive habits you’ve managed to develop over the years. And then “learn” some new ones that will evolve over time into your new healthy habits.

What’s the central theme to this program?

Building healthy, sustainable habits that get results!

Here’s what I intend to help you with:

  1. Making more informed choices.
  2. To build better habits.
  3. And develop into healthy disciplines.
  4. That simplify your health & wellness initiative.
  5. So you can succeed at achieving your goal with routines that keep you focused, committed, engaged and motivated.
  6. Routines, habits and disciplines that are sustainable. Even enjoyable. And promote a healthy lifestyle

How? By helping you reinforce the 6 core fundamentals, one at a time. Finding effective ways to practice them every day. Until they become habits. Part of your daily routine. Something you seek out with enthusiasm because the transformation and results become so motivating.

Essentially, you are learning to leverage the compound effect to YOUR benefit. (By the way, The Compound Effect is a must read if you haven’t yet, and a re-read if it’s been a while. I highly recommend it!)

For many, this health & wellness goal involves losing weight and getting into shape. Stick with this first habit and make it part of your routine every day. Drink “water” even when you’re not thirsty. Keep it with you at all (or most) times.

It’s an easy task, but it takes work and you’ll need to remain vigilant. I want this new routine to remain “sticky” and interesting. Unlike other programs you may have tried in the past. So it doesn’t fade into oblivion, or cause you to lose interest next month.

This week I’d like to review the benefits of water and how it helps our bodies. Take a look at the chart below. It illustrates the percentage of water that your body is comprised of. As you can see, it’s based on body fat percentage.

I found it interesting to learn that the percentages are inversely proportional. A lower body fat percentage results in a higher percentage of water in your body. And vise versa.

So this means as you get leaner and lose fat, you need to consume more water. Your body will typically compensate for this. But you can ensure it happens by staying hydrated throughout the day. Hence, the first habit – drink a lot of water… Link back to last week here.

Water is very important as it hydrates our organs and aids in removing waste and toxins from our system. Muscle contains about 75% water while body fat only contains about 10% water.

Check out this graphic.

Water retention becomes a common topic when you’re trying to lose weight. You should never stop drinking water to lose weight. Excessive water retention is normally the result of a poor diet and lack of adequate exercise. Dehydration is another cause of water retention. And salt has been known to contribute to dehydration.

You may want to re-read the last paragraph.

Here’s my suggestion.

Take everything you’ve learned about getting in shape and losing weight, and hit the DELETE button. Then stay with me for 6 months and integrate these new habits into your life.

I’m asking you to have a little Blind Faith in me.

What do you have to lose? Not much except for the weight. And maybe some bad habits.

And then think about all that you have to gain…

As we wrap up this week, you may be thinking, “But I have a lot of weight to lose, and I want to do it quickly. This program is going to take too long. Isn’t there a faster way to get this done?”

If that’s how you’re thinking, then you are in the wrong place. Bookmark this site and come back when you’re ready to do it the right way, after that quick fix attempt fails you again.

This week we learned a little more about water. Why it’s important to your body and your good health. Next week we’ll look at ways to make it part of your day. Until then


Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

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