It’s been almost a year since I officially started this blog. A concept that was churning around in my head for a few years prior. On the positive side I continue to learn a lot every day. And I have formed many new relationships. But I am getting very little engagement or interest, and I don’t know why. So I am contemplating shutting it down.
Frankly, I enjoy writing about health & wellness, and there is plenty to write about. My main topics are centered around weight-loss and longevity, and supported by exercise, good nutrition, and personal development. But my ability to get my followers to take action doesn’t seem to be working, nor does and my approach for growing my audience through social media. If it is and I hope I’m wrong, I am not hearing about or seeing any significant results.
I do realize that I am part of the problem. In addition to learning how to become a better writer, I am learning the many technical aspects of maintaining a blog and integrating it with other programs. In full disclosure, I am not a programmer or web developer. As a result I am making plenty of mistakes, and learning from them along the way.
I also realize that some of my posts are too long (like this one). But it’s not for lack of trying. I continually look for ways to “say it” with fewer words. So thank you for bearing with me and overlooking some of my “rookie” faux pas as you follow me on this journey.
This is not a plea for your sympathy. What I’m looking for is how I can help YOU. If you’ve read any of my posts, you understand that I “walk my talk”. My approach and methods are “natural”. Natural as in eating right and exercising as a way to build lean muscle and burn excess body fat. This is the best way to lose weight, keep it off, and improve your overall health & wellness.
But as human nature goes, there are unfortunately far too many people looking for a quick fix, or a way to lose the weight without changing their habits or doing the necessary work. If this describes you, then my challenge is to help you realize once and for all that you can’t take the easy road. A quick fix may give you some short term results. But those results can’t be sustained. And in the long run you’ll end up gaining it all back, and then some (which makes matters even worse).
So I ask you this:
- How can I help you?
- What can I do to help you embrace my approach to losing weight?
- What can I do to get you to take action (for you, not me)?
My main goal for this blog is to provide you with the highest quality content to help you achieve maximum results. My message is geared toward anyone that struggles with weight issues. Anyone that needs to learn how to eat right and exercise for longevity.

Sounds simple but for a number of reasons it’s not. This is why I feel that I am best suited to help men and women over 40 that need to lose weight and get in shape.
Why people over 40?
You have the potential to live for another 50 years, or more. But it’s at this point in our lives that our health can spiral out of control if we neglect it. Life moves fast and before you know it, you’ve turned 50 or 60 and find yourself out of shape and 30 pounds overweight.
How did this happen? It didn’t happen overnight or by accident. If you keep to the same routine(s), you will continue to gain more weight. And possibly dig yourself an early grave.
If you’re over-weight, it’s proven that you are putting yourself in jeopardy for too many unnecessary health risks including obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, cancer, and a long list of others. Not only do these conditions also require medication, the extra weight and symptoms put too many stresses on your body. It’s not good physically, mentally or medically.

But there is a silver lining. These health risks are all preventable, and many times reversible if you take better care of yourself. Wouldn’t you rather avoid a serious medical condition than succumb to it because of neglect, laziness or lack of knowledge? Your body is resilient and you have the ability to improve your situation.
I’ve been fortunate to have had success staying in great shape and in excellent health, for which I am extremely grateful. So I am compelled to share what works and try to help as many people as I can. And although social media can really help spread the word, I am failing at getting my message across.
But I’m not giving up. And I need your HELP!
Losing weight is really quite simple when you know what to do. But it does take hard work, discipline, sacrifice and persistence. And you have to give yourself TIME.
Think about it. If you’re 30 pounds over-weight and you’ve been packing it on for the past 10 years or more, expecting to lose all of that weight in the next month or two is unrealistic and ridiculous. It’s also unhealthy. So don’t set yourself up to fail. Do it the right way.
It’s not the weight-loss you need to focus on… What???
If it’s not the weight-loss then what is it?
You have “things” that need to change. “Things” like your choices, habits, actions, decisions and disciplines. Click here to link back to a previous post.
And guess what? When those things change (or you change I should say), then everything changes for you. And the weight will be gone forever, never to return.
“If you will change, then everything will change for you.” ~ Jim Rohn
This is the KEY. YOU have to CHANGE!

Let me help you figure this out so you can get rid you of this unhealthy and unnecessary disease once and for all. And do yourself and your family a favor. Stop looking for an easy way out. Stop making excuses. And stop beating yourself up. Dig deeper. You can do this!
Thank you for sharing your time with me. I’d love for you to let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Is the content valuable and helpful? Did anything have a positive impact on you? Can I get you to take action? What would you like to see in future posts?
If you know someone who struggles with their weight, I’d be eternally grateful if you would share this with them. And if you like what you see, you can SUBSCRIBE for automatic updates, LIKE US on Facebook, and spread the word about with your friends, family and social circles.