The human body is an incredible creation. And being alive and well is such a gift.
“The gift of life is the greatest gift of all.” ~ Philip Van Doren Stern
So I have to ask, how are you caring for your masterpiece?
Are you a fat-burning machine…
or a fat-building one?
There’s science behind each type. And although it’s black and white, I believe we are “shaped” by our choices (pun intended). Which oftentimes can be unclear and damaging to us.
Because oftentimes, our choices are unconscious and unhealthy.
And contrary to what the bogus countless “quick-fix” diet plans and body cleanses, and the wallet-draining supplement industry wants you to believe, there’s no secret to fat-burning.
It all comes down to YOU!
In the form of the:
- conscious choices you make
- healthy habits you build
- actions you take
- decisions you make
- and disciplines you develop (consistently) every day
Sustainable fat-burning for weight loss or weight maintenance takes time and effort. And that’s not popular in today’s busy world.
Like it or not though… it’s true!
You see, those “quick-fix” diet plans are focused on short-term results, and teach you virtually nothing about sustainable weight-loss strategies. And they’ll leave you hungry.
As far as I’m concerned, anything that promotes monstrous results in little time, and with minimal effort is a SCAM.
If this sounds daunting and confusing, it is, but doesn’t have to be.
I prefer to teach how to build and maintain a few new habits. Small, sustainable adjustments you can easily incorporate into your life.
This is NOT a restrictive starvation diet, rigid fitness program, or a ridiculous fee-based supplement program.
That crap DOESN’T WORK! But you already knew that.
You can do this all naturally, on your own.
When YOU improve your nutrition, and YOU exercise with passion and purpose, YOU will lose weight.
And YOU will get into the best shape of your life!

I am organizing another “pilot” program with a few, select students.
Earlier this year I ran a program. In fact, a very successful one. And guess what?
Yep, you guessed it! Only the students who were committed and took the program serious, and consistently participated every week saw significant results. In fact, they accomplished their goals ahead of schedule and are still going.
It’s simple… they:
- learned what to do
- developed sustainable habits and disciplines
- maintained consistency, but remained flexible
- tracked and learned from the feedback they observed
- and turned their healthy habits with the momentum gained into life-changing results
The coolest part is that it became part of their new healthy lifestyle.
Oh, and what about the others that didn’t follow through?
The majority were enthusiastic in the beginning, but because they were not committed to the program, participating, and doing the work, they didn’t see life-changing results.
Some in fact moved on mid-stream to a new weight-loss program.
What??? Shocking…
So, I am conducting another “pilot” weight loss program focused on health & vitality. I’m looking for 5 serious people who will commit to losing weight and getting into the best shape of their life.
By “commit” I mean, there will be goals, accountability, participation and effort required, and of course… skin in the game.
Here’s the initial criteria. You:
- need to be at least 50 years old.
- need to lose at least 20 to 50 pounds.
- are “coach-able” and will participate.
- have the openness to learn and willingness to take action.
- will put forth the effort required to achieve your initial goal, and then maintain your new lifestyle.
You will learn how to develop lifelong healthy habits and disciplines. Essential elements that will keep you in the best shape of your life.
Here’s what you can expect to learn:
- How to eat “cleaner” for longevity. This is NOT a diet.
- The importance of strength and cardio training for exercise.
- Managing the calories you eat and the ones you burn.
- How to get into the best shape of your life.
- And stay this way!
It’s about developing healthy habits that get results!
And I know the results are possible because this is how I live.

Can this program help you like it’s helped others?
“I fall into the same pattern every year. I’ll lose weight, then put it right back on again. Your program has been a tremendous addition to my life. Learning the 6 pillars to better health has been an easy program to follow and most importantly to stick! As the program progressed, I found these pillars becoming habits!”
“You’ll be happy to know that the pillars you’ve taught me are sticking! So far I haven’t reverted back to my old habits and I’m enjoying the new ones I’ve developed under your direction.”
“I am much more conscious now of how to live a healthier lifestyle, and have 3 notch marks on my belt showing my 6-month progress!”
“I love focusing on getting a good night sleep, and the most important thing… you changed my relationship with food! I now am making the choice to make healthier food choices that make me feel much better after eating, instead of bad ones that make me feel uncomfortable.”
“I recommend to anyone who is looking for a lifestyle and mindset change to follow John’s program. All you have to do is follow along and act on it. Eventually it sticks, and becomes part of your life.”
If you’re still interested and would like to learn more about this pilot program, sign up to see if you qualify here.
Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.
Now it’s time for YOU to take action…
What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.
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